Chapter Thirty Six-Missing You

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29th March 2015

"Hey, hey, you ok?" Sparkles* asks softly, wrapping his arms around me as I bury my face in his chest.

"Sparks* what can I do to help? Leo's probably hurt, and I can't do anything!"

"No, you can. We can go to the police, and they can sort this out. I promise."

"I'm scared. Do I have to go to the police? Could..could you go for me?"

"Honey, I don't know if they'll listen to me alone."

"Please?" He sighs.

"I'll go, but you aren't leaving this flat. Understand?"

"Understand." I smile at him. He turns and leaves to go to tell the police about Ethan apparently kidnapping Leo.

Once Sparkles* understood what was happening, neither of us could sleep, so we spent the first hours of the day talking and trying to take our mind off the situation until we could figure out what to do. I refused to call the police, since we have no evidence whatsoever of any incident except for a shitty scrap of paper. They'd think I was just some kid trying to pull a prank.

I count to ten after the door clicks shut and glance at the time. 4:13. If I leave now, I can get to the park by five. I run into my room and put on some decent clothes. If I'm going outside then I'm not going in my pyjamas. I put my phone in my pocket and plug in my earphones to distract me on the way there.

Don't panic, no not yet. I know I'm the one you want to forget. Cue all the love to leave my heart. It's time for me to fall apart.

Yes, I know you might think it's a stupid idea. But going to get Leo is the only way I'll see him again. Ethan's not stupid, he'll figure out if the police are going to turn up and get out of there before we can do anything.

Now you're gone, but I'll be okay. Your hot whiskey eyes have fanned the flames.

I reach the park. 4:54. I saw one singular person on the way here, it's clear not many people get up this early. I make my way through the park as quickly as I can without getting lost. Past the swings, down the path, and I can reach the fountain...

Maybe I'll burn a little brighter tonight. Let the fire breathe me back to life.

I walk down the narrow, tree lined path towards the fountain. Well, I think I'm going towards the fountain. I hope I'm going towards the fountain. Everything's starting to look exactly the same, I feel like I'm going round in circles.

Baby you were my picket fence. I miss missing you now and then.

"You a bit lost darling? I'll save you the trouble of going any further." Ethan is leaning against a birch tree, smirking at my complete confusion and lack of navigation skills. "Now, if you would follow me, we can discuss the terms of our future."

Chlorine kissed summer skin. I miss missing you now and then.

"I don't think there's much to discuss," I answer. "Just stop playing games. Where the hell is Leo?" Ethan laughs as we reach a clearing somewhere off the path. He turns round and starts to slowly pace towards me.

Sometimes before it gets better, the darkness gets bigger.

"He's not with us right now. I assure you, he'll be fine, just as long as you pay attention." He grins. "You're coming home, and-"

"No," I cut him off. "No."

"What did I say? Pay attention and Leo stays safe. That means shut. Up." He raises his fist, but I bring my arm up to block the blow and kick his knee, causing Ethan to swear and stumble. "You bitch!" He stands up straight and shoves me back. I trip and feel a sharp crack in the back of my head as I hit a tree. I groan and try to stand up, but Ethan crouches next to me and pins my arms down.

The person that you'd take a bullet for is behind the trigger.

"You stupid girl," He mutters. "You can't follow one simple instruction."

And with that everything goes completely black.

We're fading fast. I miss missing you now and again.

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