Chapter Fourteen-Coffee

560 35 7

24th January 2015

My phone buzzes in my pocket and makes my jeans glow when the screen lights up.

Sparkles*- Hey u busy?

Grace-Well I'm working

Sparkles*- lunch break?

Grace- it depends why ur asking

Sparkles*-reaaaally bored and want coffee. U in?

Grace- be here in ten minutes

I tell him to meet me at work because it still freaks me out walking through the darker parts of the walk to work. I have looked around for a different way to go, but it turns out any other way takes over an hour to get home.

"Alex, I'm leaving you!" I yell into the back cupboard. There's a series of crashes and a lot of swearing before I get a response.

"Ok! See you in like an hour-shit-I guess!" He yells back, followed by another load of bangs and curses.

"Try not to break anything else while I'm gone!" I see Sparkles* outside the window and shut the shop door to block out whatever choice profanities Alex was shouting at both me and the stuff he had either knocked over or broken. Or both. "Hey."

"Hey," he grins. "How's it going?"

"Eh. Shall we go get coffee? I might fall asleep soon and that's probably not a good idea considering I have to go back to work." We walk to a nearby cafe, talking about music, work and other random crap.

"What do you want?" The guy behind the counter smiles at us.

"I'll have my usual," Sparkles* answers. I guess he comes here a lot. "And you will have a...caramel latte?" He guesses and I nod.

"Wow, you still remember that was my favourite?"

The man gives us our drinks and I go to sit at a table, but Sparkles* stops me.

"Wait, I know the best place to sit." he leads me round a corner and up a set of narrow stairs, ignoring the "Staff Only" sign. I stop and motion to the sign. "Don't worry, they know me here, nobody goes up here anymore anyway."

He pushes open a creaky door to reveal a small room. The walls are lined with dark wood shelves stacked with books and CDs, ranging from literary classics to nineties rock. The CD player is black and shiny. A large, high up window at one end lets in beams of winter sunlight, highlighting some of the wooden floorboards. Two beanbags, one red and one green, sit below the window, covered with a few fairly new looking blankets and cushions and an acoustic guitar propped up next to them. Any spare wall space has been plastered in posters, photos and quotes.

"They practically gave me this room, on the agreement I worked here for a while. So this is mine," he explains. "You wouldn't believe it, but the room's pretty much soundproof."

"This is awesome!" I grin. "Is this the reason you dragged me away from work?"

"I wouldn't say dragged. You seemed pretty keen to go when I mentioned coffee."

"This is so much cooler than just coffee! Do you just hang out here then?"

"Yeah. Sometimes the others come here too, we just sit around and chat and drink coffee. You're welcome here anytime you want."

"Awesome! I have a question though," I say, flicking through the masses of CDs.


"Can I put on some music? It's really quiet in here."

I went into town and bought music! Currently listening to The Black Parade by MCR and really aggressively mouthing the words to the songs I already know...


Trust me to pick up the broken case.


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