Chapter One-Bristol Streets

877 43 10

31st December 2014

The city streets are wide and busy. People walk quickly, on their phones or chatting to a friend, practically oblivious to the world around them. At one point, a businessman walks straight into me, glaring and continuing on his way to or from an office somewhere. Probably from, it's late afternoon on New Years Eve. I knew it was big, but I didn't realise how huge Bristol really was. Maybe it's because I've lived in a small rural village my entire life. Office blocks stretch to the skies, both of which are grey. It seems miserable, and I guess that sort of matches how I feel. Grasping on to the last glimmer of hope, but starting to see the reality. Mou oshimai da. It's hopeless.

It's been almost a week since mum kicked me out, Boxing Day, and I've been sleeping rough half the nights since then. The first night I caught a bus to the nearest train station, where I took a train to Bath. The next day I got another bus to Bristol and spent the day wandering, asking for directions. I knew my brothers address, but I've never visited him while he's lived here, so I don't know where in the city he is. My phone is sat in my bedroom, probably the bin by now, so I can't search the flat on Google maps. A few people pointed out street signs to me, so I've been following them. I slept in an alley last night, which wasn't exactly brilliant, but at least it was sheltered. Now I'm sure I'm close. It's been over four years since I last saw Leo in person, but I can still see in my head exactly what he looks like thanks to the magic of the Internet.

A few people in smart suits give me funny looks. I guess I must be a wreck. I briefly pause in front of a shop window and glance at my reflection.

My black skinny jeans are a bit dusty from sleeping on the ground, combat boots are scuffed, but somehow my brown leather jacket and red t shirt are fine. My pale blue hair hangs over one side of my face in tangled knots, slightly shorter on the other side. I glare slightly at my nose piercing, the reason mum finally snapped and kicked me out. I don't regret it one bit though.

I sort of knew it was coming, I had a bag packed and hidden under my bed just in case. It was just a matter of time. She's never really liked either of us, me or Leo. She was always yelling, and blaming us for dad leaving. That's why Leo left as soon as he could, but I was too young at the time to move out.
Even though I wanted to go with him, I wasn't allowed. I would have left by now if I'd had enough money, but I'd barely scraped enough together for the train tickets.

I turn away from the window and continue walking, gripping the strap of my black and grey backpack tightly with my right hand. Everything I currently own is in that bag, and I don't want to lose it. I glance down at the crumpled paper in my hand, an address scrawled in messy pencil handwriting. The paper is four years old, so the writing is kind of faded, but I memorised the words from the day that Leo left.

If you ever need me, go here:

42 Hart Street, Bristol

Love you
Leo x (I Don't know if that's actually a place or not)

Yes, my name is Grace. Hello. Grace Elizabeth Taylor. Nice to meet you. Twenty years old, five foot five, British, obsessed with music and the Internet, very tired, and right now I really want a Costa.

Like, really badly.

Scuffing my boots on the pavement, I bury my hands further into the pockets of my jacket. As much as I love winter, The holiday season is a truly crap time to be stuck outside.

"Um, excuse me? Do you know where Hart Street is?" I ask a nice looking woman in a puffy, light beige coat.

"It's not far! Just turn left and go forward from there, you'll see the sign!" She responds cheerfully. I smile my thanks and we both continue on our ways. I can't believe how close I am to seeing my brother. I've been waiting to see him again for four years...

On the opposite side of the road, a group of guys, a few years older than me, are laughing loudly, carrying two guitar cases and a camera between them. Two of them have dark hair, one has slightly lighter and one is ginger. I stop and stare.

Oh my gosh. It's him.

"Leo!" I yell, grinning. "LEO!" I wave madly at him. I see his eyes grow wider and he stops his friends.

"Grace!" He shouts back. It's definitely him. Filled with excitement and holding back tears, I start to run across the road to Leo. Suddenly his delight turns to fear. "Grace, look ou-"

A car horn. Screeching tyres. Glass shatters. Screams.


Dear Leo (An Area 11 FanFiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя