Chapter Six-Welcome To YogTowers

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6th January 2015

There's a knock at the door and I fly out of my room to answer it, sliding to a stop and letting Parv in.

"Hey Parv!" I grin, wincing at the pain in my legs from running to the door. Shit, I forgot to take painkillers earlier.

"Hey Grace. You alright?" Parv frowns. "Did you take your painkillers?" I shake my head and he immediately goes over to the medicine cupboard, finds my tablets, runs me a glass of water and shoves it towards me. "Take them now, it'll only get worse otherwise." I happily take them, eager for the horrific aching to go away.

"Thanks. I'm such an idiot, I can't believe I forgot them." I put the remaining tablets back in the cupboard
And the empty glass by the sink. "I just need to grab my phone, one second." I get my phone and go back to the front door, walking slowly this time, where Parv is stood chatting to Leo. Leo glances over to me.

"Promise you won't be a pain in the arse?" He says.

"Pfft, when am I ever a pain in the arse?" Leo sighs.

"Just don't burn the building down."

I laugh and wave. "Love you too!" I shut the door and follow Parv over to Sparkles*' place and before Parv knocks he's already at the door.

"Ready on time for once!" He cheers. We take the lift down to Parvs car and I get in the back. He explains it's only a fifteen minute walk to get to YogTowers, but the forecast says it's going to rain today so it would be better to drive. He's right, I can't be bothered with getting soaked today.

We pull up in a car park next to a tall office block and go inside, taking the lift up. When the doors open, there's a long corridor lined with doors on both sides. Most of the doors have lights outside, two of them are on. A man walks out of one of the offices, carrying an armful of letters and packages. He glances over the top of the pile at us.

"Hey guys! Who's that?" He asks, nodding towards me and wandering into another room, setting down the mail and coming back out to talk properly.

"Hi Lewis, this is Grace." I give Lewis a small smile and wave. As much as I love these guys, I'm not good with people, and right now I feel a bit like the extremely awkward new kid.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lewis." he extends his hand and I shake it.

"I'm Grace, as they said. Hi, I love your videos by the way." The words are coming out too fast and too quiet. Watching me communicating with people I don't know is probably hilarious to everyone else, just not to me.

"Awesome. Welcome to YogTowers."

Lewis leads me through the two floors of the building that the Yogscast occupy, giving me a brief tour and showing me where everything is so I can find my own way round later.

"I need to go record some Civ now. So that concludes our tour!" Lewis finishes, walking away. "Nice meeting you Grace."

"Shit, that's what I was here for!" Parv waves goodbye and runs to his office. "See you guys later!"

"I guess that leaves just you and me!" Sparkles* grabs my hand and starts running down the corridor, dragging me behind him. "Let's go!"

"Crap, slow down I'm going to fall over!" I gasp, trying to stop myself giggling at the same time. "Sparkles* stop!" And he does.

"AAAAH!" We both yell. He falls to the floor, finally letting go as I land on top of him.

"Pain. Pain everywhere," Sparkles rolls out from underneath me and helps me sit up. I bite my lip in an attempt not to cry at the now more obvious pain spreading from my arms and legs. I guess my painkillers don't do such a good job when I land on the bruising. "Grace, are you ok? Grace?!"

"Tablets," I groan. "Tabletsinmybag." Sparkles* immediately scrambles to his feet.

"Um..ok, where are them!" He takes a couple out and hands them to me. "Hold on, I'll get you some water. Be right back." he runs into a room a few doors down. A door opens next to me, and a tall dude with blonde hair walks out.

"Hi random girl sat on the floor?" I look up at the guy talking. He looks a little confused, but not too surprised. Maybe people sitting on the floor in the corridor is a normal thing here.

"Grace," I mumble, gritting my teeth. "I'm Grace."

"Hi Grace, I'm Martyn." He answers. "Are you ok?"

"Yep, I am absolutely fine." I lean my head against the wall. "Just waiting for-"

"Got the water!" Sparkles* appears with a glass of water. "Oh, hey Martyn."

"Hey. What's going on?" He frowns.

"Oh, I kind of pulled Grace over and it hurt her 'cause she was hit by a car and has tablets to take for the pain soooo..." he trails off.

"Just give me the bloody water." I take the glass from him and take the tablets. It will take a few minutes for the medicine to kick in, so everything still hurts. "I'm just gonna...stay here for a while..." I close my eyes. I hadn't realised how tired I was before. I guess that's what happens when you wake up at four in the morning thanks to nightmares for days in a row...

"Guys, I'm really tired. Can I just go to sleep?" I ask quietly.

Sparkles* picks me up. "You can sleep in the studio. Do you want me to call Leo?" I nod weakly and he gently sets me down on what feels like a sofa. I'm too tired to bother checking. I hear the dial tone as Sparkles* puts the phone to his ear. "Hey man...Yeah, she's really tired, she's sleeping now...right...sure, I'll bring her home when she wakes up...'kay see you later." the phone call ends and I drift off to sleep.

100 reads you crazy people! I'm glad you're enjoying the story!

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