Chapter Twelve-Appointment and Pizza

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20th January 2015

"Do I have to go?"

"Yes, you do. Then you can stop taking all those pills."

"What if I like taking the pills?"

"Then you're going to the hospital to get you off don't like them, do you?"

"No, they're disgusting. I hate swallowing tablets, you know that!"

"Just checking."

Kogie sighs. "Guys, are you really doing this now? We're already on the way there Grace, if you didn't want to go it would have made more sense to say that before you got in the car!"

"I didn't think of it before I got in the car!"

"Well you should have!"

"Oh my god Kogie, you were moaning at us for fighting, don't start as well!" Leo groans, leaning his head back in the front seat. Who knew a car trip to a hospital could be so annoying. I don't think it helps that I still can't sleep and Leo had another nightmare, so both of us are shattered.

We pull up in the hospital car park and go up to the third floor, so I can have a check up and hopefully get sent home with no more painkillers!

"Miss Taylor?" An overly cheerful nurse smiles at me. "If you'd like to follow me..." She leads me into a room, and I briefly turn around to pull a face at Leo, who gives me a thumbs up.

The nurse spends a few minutes asking me questions about my lifestyle and how I'd been getting on since the accident. Then she weighs me, and I'm glad to see has I've put on a little since last time. Apparently my body is healing well, and the bruises will fade completely by the end of the week. The only thing the nurse is concerned about is sleep.

"You look tired," she says. "Have you been sleeping well?"

"Yes," I answer. I have slept through a few nights, but I've never really needed much sleep.

"Do you get headaches or feel out of energy in the day?"

"Sometimes," I admit. "But not very often." The nurse nods and tells me it's probably just the stress, and that I can leave now. I walk back into the waiting room and over to Leo and Kogie. "Everything's good, I'm ok!" We cheer a little bit and leave. I'm glad that didn't take long, I hate hospitals. I think everyone does.

"Do you want to order pizza?" Leo asks as we get in the car.

"Yes! Pizza lunch is good lunch!" I exclaim. "Pepperoni please!"

We drive to Kogie's flat, which is closer, and order the pizza. In the end we decide to watch Death Note while we eat.

"As annoying as Misa is, I still kind of like her."

"Why? She's so irritating!" Leo protests.

"I don't know, I guess it's because even if she's killing people, she's only doing it for love. I almost feel sorry for her," I explain.

We pause the episode when the pizza arrives, half pepperoni, half ham and pineapple, then one whole meat feast. I didn't realise how hungry I am.

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