Chapter Thirty One-Explanation

506 36 4

14th March 2015

I shuffle through the pieces of crumpled paper and sigh. Every few days another is posted through the door. Every other day I have to get there first and hide them from Leo. I don't want him knowing about the notes, he's got enough to think about. It's my problem to sort out anyway. I just need to work out how to solve it.

If I ignore the notes for long enough, he might stop. He'll get the message that I'm not interested and he'll get bored and leave. There's still the possibility that it will continue, or he'd get really pissed off, but it's worth a shot. I've got nothing else.

The door creaks open and Leo peeks his head round. Quickly I shove the paper into a drawer and slam it shut. "What you up to?"

"Nothing." Damn, I answered too fast. He gives me a weird look.

"That didn't look like nothing."

"Well, it was. Nothing important."

"Can I see then?" He asks, clearly testing me on whether it really is nothing. Crap. Why did he have to be so good at this sort of thing?!

"Yeah, wait one sec." I open the drawer again and rummage around to pull out a couple of practice drawings I'd done a few days ago. "I just didn't want to show you them, these are kind of rubbish." This is one of the only times I have been grateful for my messiness and procrastination when it comes to tidying.

"No, they're good!" Leo smiles encouragingly, but I can tell he's still sceptical as to whether the sketches were what I was hiding. He hands me back the drawings. "Oh, I came in to ask if you wanted some tea. Yay or nay?"

"Do you even need me to answer that question?"

"Tea for two it is then!" He leaves and I hear a switch click and the sound of boiling water. I push the drawings back into the drawer, and they're halfway in when Leo comes back in.

"Do you want biscuits or something too?" I jump, hitting my hand on the drawer above and knocking a handful of papers out onto the floor.

"Shit!" I gasp, shaking my hand and scrambling to pick up the paper. He bends down to help pick some of it up, reading some of the writing. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap

"...Grace...what are these?" He holds up the notes and reads some of them out loud. "'You look gorgeous today'. 'Ditch the ginger if you know what's good for you'. 'You should have kept your hair natural, it looks ugly. Still hot though'." I bite my lip. "How long have you been getting these?" His voice is shaking.

"A few weeks..." I mumble. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, putting the notes down next to where he's kneeling. "I didn't want you to know, you've got your own stuff to worry about, and the band, and-"

Leo cuts me off. "You're my little sister. Your problems are my problems, and I'm going to look after you, no matter what. If you need help, all you have to do is ask. We can sort this out. I promise."

"There's no use promising things you can't keep." I stuff the notes back in the drawer. "How the heck will I get Ethan to leave me alone, ask nicely?! The police wouldn't do a damn thing, there's no way of finding him and there's no proof he even posted them!" I slam the drawer shut for the second time and bring my knees up to my chest.

"Hey, look at me." I shift my eyes to Leo's concerned face. "We're going to get you through this. Nothing lasts forever, we'll fix this no matter what it takes. Got it?"

"Got it." He pulls me off my chair and into a hug. "Sorry I hid this for so long."

"Don't be sorry," he answers quietly. "Just be glad that you told me."

Ok, sorry about the wait for this update.

I have slight writers block for this story. I know what I want to happen, I just have to work out how to get there.



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