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Jack POV

"Hold on, Pete. I'm getting a phone call." I say to Rose's dad, walk into the unpainted bathroom.

"Jack, Hello? Are you there?" A familiar, male, British voice through the receiver.

"I'm here," I begin, trying to lower my voice so Pete doesn't know I'm talking about his surrogate daughter to the alien who impregnated her.

That would be awkward.

"Jack, how is Rose?" The Doctor's fuzzy voice came out of the receiver's end.

"Hold on, Doctor. I think we are breaking up. " I look around for somewhere that might pick up a signal better.

Without thinking, I stand up on the toilet.

I hear the slight whirring of the TARDIS, and a female shriek. "Doctor, who is that?" I ask.

"My companion, Martha." He answers, and I hear another shriek, and the whirring of the engines of the TARDIS.,

"I have a girlfriend in this universe, named Martha who sounds exactly like that. " I say.

"That does make sense, as it is a parallel universe." he said.

"Back to the point, Doctor, Rose is good. Martha said she was suffering some back pain, but she is fine otherwise. " I said.

Pete walks by, as I finish speaking.

"That's good, Jack. So I'll b-" I cut off the connection.

"Jack, was that the Doctor?" Pete questions, however I'm unsure of how to answer.

"Um," I started, extending the last syllable for as long as I possibly could. "Yes. That was the Doctor. He asked me to keep an eye on Rose and report to Torchwood with her progress." I told him the truth, knowing he'd learn sooner or later. "The Doctor asked me to not tell Rose about how I can communicate with him, because that would give her a false sense of hope. If you want to tell her, tell her after she has the baby, so that way she can get a job at Torchwood. " I said, keeping. My voice barely above a whisper.

Pete sighed. "Rose was talking about getting a job at Torchwood. Do you think that they would admit her? She has extensive knowledge of the universe, and the Doctor. " He said, thinking wishfully.

"I don't know, Pete. I think being pregnant is a deal-breaker. "

I released the button on the transmitter, as the Doctor's voice filled the bathroom.

"Doctor, I'm back, an Pete is here, and he knows everything. He promised not to tell Rose. "I spoke into the transmitter.

There was silence on the other end.

"Doctor, are you there?" I spoke again.

This time I heard a noise. It was wheels rolling, a small blast, and a sound everyone dreaded.



Hey guys...Happy early Valentines Day! I'm having a day of writing on Saturday, because I have no Valentine, unless you count Leo Valdez. HE'S MINE!

Also, I'm considering changing my book cover. I created three, and I showed one to my friends who read the book, and they liked it. That's the photo above, or to the side, depending upon where you read my book.

And, I have a small list of Doctor Who fanfictions to share with you guys, but most of them are with the 11th Doctor, so I don't recommend reading them, in case of an accidental Spoiler, Sweetie.

((I'm sorry, I just had to.))

1. The Dream I Deserved by @TheMatriarch

2. Deleted by @penderruth

3. Alternate Whoniverse by MissRoseTyler

4. Be My Doctor by @aerdnaaguirre

5. | I Think You Need A Doctor | by _Bad_Wolf

Those are just to name a few, but I have a reading list of "Tentyler" or "Tenpetals" depending upon what call them. Sorry for the short chapter, and totally not sorry for the cliffhanger. #Moffat #SorrynotSorry #foreveralonethisvalentinesday

{discontinued} The Wolf Cub (Rose Tyler x The Doctor fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now