Chapter 9

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Rose POV

Martha and I hung out in the paint section until Donna calls my name. I walk up to the counter, and Donna hands me the bucket of paint.

"That'll be 39.64 for the paint." Donna says, without looking up from the register. I zip open my purse and pull out my wallet.

I pull out a fifty dollar bill and handed it to her. "And 10.36 is your change." She says, and hands me the bills and change.

"I guess I won't be needing this," I say, and put the cart in the loading area, paint can in hand.

"Are you sure it's not too heavy? It looks big." Martha asks, concerned about the baby.

"Nah, I'm strong. I can hold it, especially since I want to get stronger, for a job at Torchwood." I tell her, the paint can swinging slightly at my side.

Mum comes trudging up to us. "I found the paint, and I think I know our next stop!" She says, enthusiastically.

We all pile back into the car, and after a few minutes, we pull up to a furniture store.

"I'll need a crib, a chair, a dresser, and change table, and a shelf." I say.

I soon find an associate, another red headed girl, named Amy.

"Can you help me find a crib, chair, dresser, change table and a shelf for a baby's room?" I ask her in whisper in the very quiet store.

"Of course, that's what you find in a furniture store!" She practically yells. She was Scottish, and she was very tall and thin. She looked like she could be a model, and was around my age.

Her long legs strode through the store, While Martha, Mum and I were struggling to catch up.

When she finally stops, all three of us are winded. "What colour crib are you looking for?" She asks, pushing her red hair away from her eyes.

"I'm looking for a white crib, and furniture to match." I answer. She smiles brightly.

She looks at my stomach. "Of course! Now tell me, who is the lucky fella?" She practically bellows, but no one turns around to look at her.

My eyes turn down to the ground. "Or girl. I don't judge." She says, looking at Martha.

"No, it's nothing like that. His name was John Smith. He was my friend, who I traveled with. Ever since I met him, I suspected he liked me. We were traveling, and stopped off in Budapest. Stuff happened. I lost him, and now I'm here." I explain, forcing tears back into my eyes.

She gave me a big bear hug. "It's okay. It's a small earth. People have legs. You will find him again. If you can't find him, maybe you will find someone better." She says softly, slowly releasing me from the hug.

I couldn't hold my tears in. I will never find him again. They streamed down my face, blurring my vision. I wiped my tears when we broke away.

"Thank you, Amy." I said, pulling myself together. "Now, you may not have John, but you have your child." She straightens her shirt and pulls back her hair. "So, lets get you some furniture, so you can get ready to have your child!"

She says before she whips around, and keeps walking around the store.

"I'll go get two carts." Mum says as she hobbles away.

"So, for a discount you can get a room set with a chair, crib, dresser and change table. A shelf will be extra. It comes in black, brown, white and beige. " She says quietly, not in her usual loud voice.

I nod. "Sounds good!" I say, and she leads us towards a storage room door. "Wait right here, while I get your order. It should be in the back." She says, and sprints into the room behind us.

{discontinued} The Wolf Cub (Rose Tyler x The Doctor fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now