Chapter 20

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Rose POV

The Doctor laid down beside me, fingers running through my hair. I glanced over at him, just laying down with me, in the TARDIS. He began to sing.

Heart beats fast,

Colours and Promises

How to be brave?

How can I love, when I am afraid to fall?

But watching you, stand alone, all of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow.

One, step, closer.

I have died, everyday, waiting for you, darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a Thousand Years.

And I'll love you for a Thousand More.


The memory of the Doctor singing this song to me, is the one memory I cling to, in my possible last moments on this planet, leaving my mother, father, and possible child.

And, If I do leave this world without my child, I don't want this song to be remembered as the song that kept me going. Or the song that showed that I fought for my life. I want it to be remembered as the song that lulled the Bad Wolf to sleep.


I can hear the slight sound of voices around me. I can't place any of them, Bits of light flash in my eye, but are quickly gone, die out, due to the silhouettes of people, possibly my loved ones. There are a few questions that still need to be answered.

Where am I?

Am I dead?

Is the baby a boy, or a girl?

"She's waking up!" I here a female voice, Amy's, I think.

My eyes flutter, before shooting open. I don't immediately bolt up, which is what I thought I would do, but turn my head, taking in the smiling faces surrounding a big, unfamiliar room.

"How are you feeling?" Dad asks, patting me on the head.

"Pete, she isn't a dog. Why are you petting her?" Mum asks. The familiar spark of irritation in her voice comforts me.

I finally sit up, feeling refreshed, despite having a child not long ago. It's probably the regenerative energy, still in my body.

I just sit there waiting patiently. People seem to be avoiding the question I want the answer to.

"Is somebody going to hand me my baby, tell me the gender, and we can all pop the champagne, in celebration of this joyus occasion?" I ask, with a huff.

Everyone looks at Jack anxiously. He has done something, obviously. "What did you do?" I ask Jack, my first bit of anger, induced by motherly instinct.

"Torchwood is worried about the baby. The first half-timelord-half-human baby, in all of existence, is born. Who wouldn't be worried?" He asked, like this is a rhetorical question.

I flopped back down on the cold table. "I haven't even met my baby, I don't even know the gender. And now a government organization is observing it?" I ask, anger and sadness prickling with each word, my eyes glowing a pale gold.

Jack starts to back away. "I could go talk to somebody, and see if you can get your baby." Jack suggests. I nod, and he scampers out of the room.

I look down, and I am wearing a hospital gown, not my clothes. "Can I have some clothing, please?" I ask, sitting awkwardly.

Amy walks over to a nearby counter, ad grabs my hoodie, leggings and tank top, along with undergarments.

I blush, before putting my clothing on over my gown, and ripping off the paper once I was dressed.

"Can somebody at least tell me what the gender is?" I ask, slapping my hands down at my sides. The anticipation is killing me.

Everybody had small smiles toying at their lips. "You had a baby girl." Martha said.

Amy spoke up next. "She had reddish-blonde hair, but the golden wave of energy changed her appearance, so now she has brown hair, and instead of pale skin, she has and olive skin tone."


Does that mean my baby has timelord abilities?


Gender had been revealed. Name next.


{discontinued} The Wolf Cub (Rose Tyler x The Doctor fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now