Chapter Two

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This is my autograph from John Barrowman.

Rose POV

Mum and I go to the pharmacy and get a bottle of stomach medicine. Mum disappears in between the aisles.

I idly walk in between before glancing at the pregnancy tests, letting my mind wander, before mum coming back around looking for me. She pays for the medicine, and we leave.

When we get back to the apartment, Mum kisses Dad on the cheek and whispers something in his ear. He gets up, and walks out of the room.

I plop back down on the couch, and wrap myself up in a crocheted blanket. Mum sighs and sits down on the couch next to me. She inhales deeply.

"Sweetheart, I know this may be a awkward subject, but I need to ask this. When was your last period?"

I was only half listening until I heard the last few words. The world feels like it starts to spin. I feel dizzy. I opened my mouth to answer, but closed it, and ran to a nearby bathroom.

Mum waits and pinches the bridge of her nose. After a few minutes, I emerge from the bathroom, and sit down again. "You were saying?" I asked. There was silence, and she reached into her jumper pocket.

She pulled out a box that's about the size of a tube of toothpaste. I cover my mouth at what she pulled out. It was a pregnancy test.

Mum pulls her hair back. "Well, sweetheart, if we want to find out if you are pregnant, I suggest you get to it."


I place the stick down on the counter of the bathroom, and slide down the bathroom wall. I put my head in my hands. I wonder where the Doctor is. If it's true, will the child see the father, or vise-versa? These thoughts make my head spin. I check my my watch, and see that the two minutes are up.

Here goes nothing, I think. I carefully push my self off the ground, and grab the stick, and walk to the living room. Mum is on the edge of her seat, eyes are popping out her head. "Well, let's have a look, shall we!" She exclaims. Dad walks in as I look at the stick.

The stick falls to the floor, and the three of us look down at the floor. It's positive. There is silence for what feels like too long. Before anyone says anything, I get up, and go to the car. I go to Mickey's apartment, and knock on the door, in my state of being an emotional wreck.

As soon as he opens the door, I fling my arms around his neck, and start crying. He looks at me with concern, and just starts patting me on the back.

"There, there?" He tries to comfort me, without knowing what ails me. He lets me in, and makes me a cup of tea. "Rose, what's wrong? You look like you've been given bad news! Unless you did, then I am sorry."

"Mickey, I'm pregnant," I tell him, a look of shock on his face. "But you and I-,We never-, Unless-No, it can't-"

"Mickey, finish a complete thought!" I barked at him. He looked even more shocked, at my sudden outburst. "Thank you for the tea." I said quietly, and walked back to the car.


Doctor POV

"I'm in my wedding dress!" Donna shouts at me, from a car nearby, while I'm in the TARDIS. I always imagined Rose in a wedding dress, on our wedding day, picking a colour for our child's room, her growing old with me.

My fantasy goes away as I remember Donna, in her dress, across the road. "Yes, and you look lovely, come on!"

I should ask Torchwood to keep an eye on Rose, to make sure she stays safe. Donna jumps, and I grab on to her, and pull her inside, to safety. As this point, I know it's unlikely I'll ever see her again.


Merry Christmas!! I took so long to ensure this chapter was the greatest I could write. I added my John Barrowman Autograph on the top, as I thought it was a cool birthday gift. I also added a guy whose his own version of 'Hey there Delilah'. It's called 'Hey there Rose Tyler'
It's full of feels, so grab tissues. Also, me and my friend are co-writing a fanfic. I would love for you to read it. It's called 'Who in a Chatroom'. Think of it as a Christmas Gift to us.

Remember to Comment, Vote, Fan.

Should I have a fanbase? Or a name to call my fans? Comment if you have a good idea.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

{discontinued} The Wolf Cub (Rose Tyler x The Doctor fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now