Chapter 8

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Rose POV

I woke up to the sun creeping into my eyes, through my blinds. I sit up, and stare at the clock. 8:30 glows back at me.

I change out of my PJs, and realized, I have no maternity clothing. I add that to the mental list of things I'll need to get.

I sneak into my mum's room and I get a shirt and a pair of pants. I slip them on, and go to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I have a strange craving for vanilla and oranges. I search through the fridge and freezer, and I get vanilla ice cream, greek yogurt, and orange juice, and pour the ingredients into a blender.

The whirring of the blender wakes Mum and Dad, baseball bats in hand, who come in and look around as if we have a burglar in the house. "What the hell are you doing?" Dad whisper-yells at me, as if I had murdered an animal and insisted on bring in the kitchen.

"Dad, I was making breakfast for myself, not searching for prized possessions. I can make you some smoothie if you want." I say calmly.

My dad's tense shoulders slumped back down, and shook his head. "No, I leave you and your cravings to it." He said with a chuckle.

I give him a dirty look, and pull the pitcher part off and pour it into a glass. I hop onto the uncluttered part of the counter.

"You seem lively today," says Mum, brewing a pot of coffee, yawning.

"I wish I could say the same about you." Seriously, with her sunken eyes, tangled hair, and slouchy posture, the baby had been keeping her up,

She took a long sip of her coffee, and sighed, as if she had discovered the holy grail.

"When are we going shopping so we can get out of Dad's hair?" I asked, sliding gently off the counter.

"We are leaving at about noon, so he and that friend of yours, Jack can move the stuff. Also, Jack suggested that Martha come too, so you can have a bit of girl time."

I gritted my teeth. "Is that what Jack said?" I said, fuming. Who does he think he is? He may be charming, but he doesn't need to butt into other people's lives.


Martha and Jack knocked on the door, holding hands, thirty minutes later, all excited and happy. "Ready to go?" Martha asks, as if she drank four cups of strong coffee.

I nodded, and swallowed back a lump in my throat. "One second, I want to talk to Jack, it'll be very quick."

She gave me a slight nod, and unclasped their hands. I lead Jack into the apartment, while Mum sparks a conversation with Martha, in the doorway.

"What is wrong with you? Why did you suggest all of this? Wha-" I start to go on a rant, before Jack puts his hand over my mouth.

I make muffled noises, and eventually sigh, giving up. "The Doctor would have wanted you to hang out with a girl other than your mother." Jack whispers, making it hard to hear him.

I sigh, and imagine the Doctor's voice in my head saying "Rose, hang out with Jackie and Martha, you should enjoy yourself."

"I guess it could be fun, hanging out with the girls for the day," I started to say, before Jack turned me around as said "Great, you enjoy!"

I stumbled a bit, and yelled "Dont shove a pregnant woman!", and walked back towards the door.

"Let's get going then." Martha says, feeling quite awkward about my conversation with Jack.

I open the door, and shout "Bye Dad, Bye Jack!" inside before shutting the door.

We all pile into Mum's car, and Martha asks, "Where to first?" with enthusiasm, from the backseat.

"I was thinking the hardware store, for paint, and shelves and things like that." Mum said, pulling the car into drive.


After ten minutes, we arrived, and stepped out of the car. "So, Rose, any theme ideas for the baby's room?" Martha asks, pulling hair back into a ponytail.

I bit my lip in contemplation, thinking hard about this. "I'm thinking a space theme for the room, with a planet mobile, white furniture, and blue walls." I answer, content with my plan.

"I can help you look for the paint, and with the mobile, you might need to go to a craft store to get a planet model kit." Martha tells me, making a mental list.

I grab a cart, and the automatic doors open to a warehouse that smells of cedar, paint and potting soil.

Martha and I walk towards the sign saying paint, and look at the small swatches of various blues.

Martha points at a dark blue swatch, a colour that brings back so many painful memories. "What about that one? It's very nice. Its called 'Bigger on the Inside Blue'. How cool is that?"

Bigger in the Inside. Might as well be called my nightmare. I choked back a sob.

"This is a lovely colour, but this was the colour of the TARDIS, the Doctor's time machine, and it was bigger on the inside. I would cry every time I walk into the baby's room." I explain, salty tears streaming down my face like a babbling brook.

She nods and gives my a small hug, patting me on the back. I compose myself, and wipe away the lingering tears.

"I think I want a light blue, for the room, because it would look nice with the planet mobile." I say, pushing my memory of the colour out on mind.

"How about this one?" Martha asks, pulling out a vibrant paper slip, and turns it around and looks at the name. "Its called 'Time Vortex blue'. Is that one okay?"

I nod. "This isn't the actual colour of the time vortex, but it is a lovely colour." I say, and bring the swatch to a red haired lady at the paint counter.

I peer at her name tag. "Hi, Donna, I was wondering about this paint colour, do you have any in stock?" I ask, politely.

"We don't have it in stock, we make it here, while you shop. Cone back thirty minutes later, it'll be ready." she answers.

"Alright then, I would like Time Vortex Blue please." I said, handing her the swatch.

I went an retrieved my cart, but it maneuvered in a weird way before Martha stepped in and took it.

"I don't think they have cribs here, only paint, tools, lumber and planting supplies." Martha thinks, out loud.

"Unless I want to build and paint it by hand." I said, and Martha started laughing.

"That would be a sight. Great for your back, all that building." We burst out laughing.

"Let's compose our selves, we have to be out in public for another few hours." I say, in between fits of laughter.

Since the Doctor left, this was the first time I had been happy with a friend.


This was supposed to be published yesterday, but I went to a wedding, and I couldn't write anything. I will try to publish another chapter today, and because I published chapters everyday o the week, the weekly chapter will arrive on Tuesday, but late on Tuesday.

I also have a question for my readers. Do you have any questions you want me to answer, comment them at the bottom of this page.

Also, I woke up with over 100 new reads on Wednesday, and I am so in awe. I didn't think this fanfic would take off, and I love all of you who support this story.

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