Chapter 14

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Doctor POV

This is not good. A Dalek made its way into the TARDIS, and shot the controls, now I can't get Martha back. I'm going to have to prepare my face for the amount of slapping Martha's mom will have for me.

I ran my fingers through my hair, slightly fluffing it. I need another hair fluffer. That was one of Rose's favourite things do......


"Doctor, don't mind me asking, but where are we? What happened?" She asked, getting up off the metal floor, over to my chair in front of the panel.

"The Daleks beam fried the controls, so we're stuck here, until I can fix it."

I pulled out my sonic screwdriver, and scanned the panel, a few lights sputtered, before turning on. "I don't know where or when we are. Why don't we take a look?" I said leaping out of my chair, and grabbing my coat.

Martha ran to the door, and and pulled it open. "

"We appear to be in the 1930s." I say, and poking my head out of the TARDIS. "Manhattan, if I'm correct."

"The thirties? Are you serious?" She asks excitedly.

"I'm almost always serious!" I say defensively.

"Let's go then!" She says.

"Allons-y!" I said before jumping out the TARDIS, shutting the door behind me.

Rose POV

My eyes fluttered open. I saw Mum, Dad, Martha, Mickey, Jack and Amy standing around me. My eyes adjusted to the light, and I saw I was in the hospital again.

Twice. In one day. That's a new record.

"What happened to me?" I say, trying to force myself into a sitting position, but slumping back over.

I few worried glances were exchanged between everyone, before Mum began to explain.

"Your eyes went gold, and you passed out." Mum answered.

"Someone at the smoothie place must have called 911, because you were brought here." Dad said.

"You had no pulse, and you weren't breathing. We all thought you were done for." said Martha.

"I was visiting my aunt, and I heard you were here. How're you feeling?" Amy asks.

I was about to answer Amy's question, but Jack stepped in.

"The better question is, who are you? Hi,Captain Jack Harkness," He said with a raise of his eyebrows.

Jack stepped towards Amy, and Martha grabbed his collar, pulling him back.

"Well, I'm fine now. A little light headed, but other than that I'm fine." I say.

"This is miraculous, your vitals are back, just like that. Almost as if nothing happened in the first place." Martha says, flipping through a clipboard.

Dad walks over to Martha to look at her clip board, and his eyes go wide. "Blimey, she's right."

I think. Could the baby be taking energy fro my body, and that's why I passed out?

"Mum, did my anything happen, to my physical body? I remember seeing flashes of gold."

"Now that you mention it, there was a golden glow around you, kind of like an aura."


Sorta a cliffhanger, but, not at the same time.


I have a few things to clear up with my readers.

-I have not picked a name or gender for the baby.

-Paige, what the waffle TARDIS does that comment mean?

-If you want to know more about me, comment a question, and I'll have an "About the Author" chapter.

-I may confuse you with my comments, but that's because I'm a very confusing person.

-If you have a book you want me to read, whether it be Wattpad or not, I want to hear about it.

-I might include things from my other fandoms, because I can, and they are awesome.

-I try to publish every Monday, but possibly Wednesday if I'm busy.

-I often write chapters ahead of time, and publish them whenever, especially if I kept you waiting.

-I will not answer any embarrassing, personal or any questions I feel uncomfortable with.

-Don't comment theories, because I don't want to have to deal with the threat of someone saying I took their idea.

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