Chapter 18

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Rose POV
Martha stopped us. "Should we take an ambulance? It won't require much movement for Rose, and you guys can hop in the back." She suggested. We all looked at her. "Martha, are you suggesting that we steal an ambulance?" I inquired.

Martha shrugged. "I was thinking the word I'm looking for is borrowed." She answered, nonchalantly.

Dad nodded. "What the hell. Let's borrow an ambulance!"

Mum shot him a look. He shrugged, before we headed over to back of the hospital, and saw an unattended ambulance.

"Shotgun!" Amy called out. Jack sighed, and whispered a few things under his breath that I couldn't piece.

Martha giggled, before jogging behind and opening the back door. "I know where Torchwood is, just putting that out there." He said, before getting in the back of the ambulance.

I sat on the gurney in the back. "Everybody, hold on to something!" Martha called before twisting a key into the ignition.

The engine roared to life, it's dull hum shaking the ambulance. Martha pulled out of the parking lot, and onto the road.

"Torchwood is not that far from here. Go straight, and make a right at the stop sign." Jack said.

Martha nodded. "I know where Torchwood is, Jack." She says, with a slight smile.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"I have been thinking about a job, in an organization like Torchwood." She said, dismissing his reaction.

Amy laughed, before reaching for a stereo, and turning on a local pop station. The song 'Hey There Delilah' by the Plain White T's.

Hey there Delilah, what's it like in New York City?

I'm a thousand miles away, but, girl tonight you look so pretty, yes you do.

Times Square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true.

Hey there Delilah, don't you worry about the distance, I'm right there I you get lonely, give this song another listen, close your eyes.

Listen to my voice, it's my disguise, I'm by your side.

Oh, it's what you do to me, Oh, it's what you do to me, Oh, it's what you do to me, Oh, it's what you do to me, What you do to me.

By that point in the song, tears were streaming down my face. Amy turned off the music. "That's enough of that for right now." She said.

I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Make a left." Jack said. Martha made an over-exaggerated turn, and we all moved to the side.

"Sorry, everybody!" Martha called out. We all straightened ourselves out.

"Make another left." Jack said. Mum put her hand on my knee. "Hang in there, sweetheart." Mum said, for no apparent reason.

Personally, I feel fine. Tired, but okay. "Martha, we're here." Jack said, catching Martha's attention.

She parked the ambulance, and we walked towards the Torchwood entrance. "Wait, I have to go say something to someone inside. " Jack said, before disappearing through the tinted doors.

Jack POV

I walked in through the doors. People were running around, delivering papers to others, and speaking in hushed tones.

I walked over to the front desk. "I have Rose Tyler." I said to the man at the desk. He nodded. "Bring her in. Hopefully the baby hasn't done any unfixable damage to her body. Bring her in. We'll prep for a C-section. " He said.

I walked back to the ambulance. An unconscious Rose was lying on the gurney. "I've missed something, haven't I?" I asked walking towards Martha.

"Yes. The regenerative energy from the baby has knocked her unconscious. We need to get her inside, now." Martha said, gripping the end of the gurney tightly.

Without saying anything, I grabbed another side of the gurney, and Amy the other side. We started to wheel it inside. Pete, Jackie and Mickey were trailing behind us, as we enter the building.

When we walked in, the action of the building came to a standstill, everybody looking in our direction. Rose was stirring, trying to get a few syllables out.

Somebody came up to me, and whispered
"Twenty dollars says it's a boy." in my ear.

I nodded and whispered "40 says girl."

"You're on." He replied.

We kept walking, until we reached the infirmary. "I can't believe it, I'm gonna be a grandmother at forty years old."

Pete shot her a look. "Fine, forty-five. But that's as high as I'm going." Jackie said, with a huff.

I stopped at the entrance. "We all have to be very quiet, just like a real hospital."

Amy rolled her eyes. "Tell us something we don't know."

I smirked. "Watch it, Little Red." I said, with a sassy 'Z' snap formation added in.

She was about to retort, before Martha stopped her. "Guys! We can have a sass-off later!" She barked and pushed the gurney inside a large room with an operating table, a stand with various scalpels and other medical instruments I couldn't place.

Martha tied her hair back. "Let's deliver a baby."


Hey, guys. I promise the baby will be born next chapter. And, the first chapter of 'My Doctor' will be out next week, during March Break.

I have composed a playlist of Tentyler feels. Here are the songs.

1. Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran

2. Pocket Full of Dreams by Hedley

3. Latch by Disclosure (feat. Sam Smith)

4. Stay With Me by Sam Smith

5. Classic by MTKO

6. Take Care by Rihanna (feat. Drake)

7. Heaven In Our Headlights by Hedley

8. Fine China by Chris Brown

9. A Thousand Years by Christina Perri

10. Real Love by Clean Bandit and Jess Glynne

I now cry when I hear these songs. Thanks to my feels brought to you by the spawn of the devil himself, the great BRITISH troll, Steven Moffat!

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