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okay, i'm pretty sure you saw this coming. i'm going to be completely honest with you guys right now in this note about a few things.

one, i can't write this story anymore. literally no ideas are coming to me. i've re-watched old doctor who episodes, watched fan-made edits, but nothing. no inspiration whatsoever. as some of you may know, i had the idea to write a sherlock fic, but nothing came to me.

two, writing used to be my escape. family issues? write my fanfic. school issues? write my fanfic. any problems i faced in my life? write my fanfic. i would write when i was depressed, and i would shut out the world. now, writing only serves as a reminder to me at how much reality sucks, making me feel worse than i did before.

third, i can't keep writing something i don't feel. this story is something i've worked so insanely hard on and it makes me sad to say this, but i can't continue. the ending was all worked out, but i can't form anything that takes me from where i am now, to where i want to be.

not all hope is lost though. if anybody is willing, please help me finish the story. i feel like shit letting you all, my dedicated readers down by leaving this story unfinished. you all deserve so much more than these authors notes i keep writing instead of chapters.

thank you all for your understanding. if you have any questions, message me, and i'll try to answer them to the best of my ability. 

{discontinued} The Wolf Cub (Rose Tyler x The Doctor fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now