Chapter 12

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Rose POV

I awoke to a woman shaped shadow over me, blocking the light struggling to peek into the quaint room.

I let out a small shriek, and tried to force myself into a sitting position, but I would hit Mum in the forehead.

"Rose, you have an appointment with Doctor Smith, and we leave in an hour. We can find out the gender of the baby!" Mum whisper-shouts, and jumps as if she was a small child who was going to Disneyland.

I finally sat up, and rolled my eyes. "I'm supposed to be excited?" I asked, pretending to be enthusiastic.

"Just get up." She says in mock irritation, and starts laughing.

"Somebody gave her coffee." I said under my breath.

"I heard that!" She answered back.

I laughed, and pulled the covers off, the card fluttering to the floor as I skipped into the kitchen. Dad was sitting at the table, reading a newspaper.

"You were supposed to sleep in the new apartment last night, you must have been pretty tired last night." Dad said, taking a sip of coffee.

"Yep, and I was distracted by th-" I began, about to explain the book from the Doctor.

"The what?" He says, looking at me quizzically.

" baby! Yes, that's it." I said, drawing my voice quieter.

His quizzical look turned into confusion, but Mum interrupted with a plate of bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast.

"Thank you." I said quietly, and dug into my food. A steaming cup of peppermint tea was placed in front of me, with two sugars, just how I like it.

I brought the boiling cup to my mouth, and sipped the scalding hot liquid. The heat surprised me, making my hands shake and sending tiny drips of liquid off the side.

I placed the mug down, holding it from the handle. I ate a piece of bacon, crispy and falling apart in my mouth. The eggs have little bits of cheddar cheese melted inside. The toast had bits of grain outlining the crisp brown crust, and the inner part of of the toast was warm and soft, and the crisp exterior casing it in.

Once I finished my eggs, bacon and toast, I drank my cooled-down tea. Instead of burning my tongue and roof of mouth, the tea flowed gently down my throat, leaving a cooling sensation on my dry throat.

I went back to my room, and looked the the clothes that had been hung up in the closet, presumably by Mum. I moved the hangers until I saw the pink retro dress in the very back. I looked longingly at it, before looking back the maternity clothing.

The weather was fairly nice, the sun was shining, but the wind outside was dreadful. I decided on a purple tank top, blue hoodie and black leggings, and a pair of sneakers.

I went to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth, and brushed my straight blonde hair.

I didn't bother with the makeup, as I wasn't going out anywhere other than the hospital, and possibly a smoothie joint.

Mum walked out of her room, and pulled her hair out of her eyes.

"Let's go then.We don't want to be late." Mum said, as she shuffled me out the door, and locked it behind her.

We walked out to the car, and drove to the hospital in silence.

Mum went to the counter to say we were here my appointment, and a lady in floral scrubs nodded.

"If I don't be rude to Doctor Smith, can we get smoothies after?" I asked, with the innocence of a child asking for a toy.

"Fine," Mum giggled, "But only if you are nice."

My thoughts drew back to the package.

Had it actually came from the Doctor? And if so, how is it possible that a piece of mail can make it to this universe, but not him?

The woman in the floral scrubs called my name. "Rose Tyler."

Mum and I stood up, and the lady directed us towards Doctor Smith's office. We walked along a hallway, before stopping in front of the door, and twisting the handle.

"Hullo, Ms. Tyler, how are you today?" He asked, cheerfully, straightening a burgundy bow tie.

"What in the name of sanity have you got around your neck?" Mum asked, aggravated by his fashion choices.

"It's a bow tie. Bow ties are cool!" he says, before Mum breathes deeply, and resists the urge to strangle him.

I shot Mum a look, telling her to back off, and she retreated back to the chair beside the hospital bed. Mum gave me a look saying "Come on, a bow tie? He's begging to be strangled."

Doctor Smith broke the awkward silence where Mum and I were speaking telepathically. "I'm guessing good. I myself am fantastic, spectacular you might say."

I nod awkwardly, wondering how this over the top man became a medical doctor.

"Now, according to the lady outside whose name always escapes me, you want to find out the gender of the baby." He says, sweeping his bangs out of his face.

"Yeah, I guess," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "There's the enthusiasm!" He says, and turns around on his heels.

He returns with the ultrasound gel, and an instrument for detecting stuff. "Lift up your shirt please." He asks, as Mum stood up, and he obviously sensed her irritation.

"I-I meant so I c-could give your daughter an ultrasound, I meant n-nothing of the sort." He stammered, the colour draining from his face, and placing his hands up in surrender.

Mum, please of his discomfort, eased back into her chair, smirking. "That better be what you meant."

I rolled my eyes, and start knotting my hands together, something I do when I'm nervous.

I have a half-timelord baby, would that show up on an ultrasound, especially one that looks a little deeper?

I pulled up my shirt to reveal my stomach, and lie down on the hospital bed. As Doctor Smith squirted the ultrasound gel and used a mechanism to spread out the gel.

I begin to panic, but I conceal it, and don't plan on showing it. "That's quite peculiar." Doctor Smith says with a frown.

"W-what's p-peculiar?" I ask, wondering how I'm going to deal with the reply.

"I could be wrong, but it appears the baby has two heartbeats. That is weird." He says, and my eyes grow large.

"If I may," Mum starts, "Could it be one heartbeat, but it echoing?" Mum asks, letting me know I'm not doing a good job of concealing my nervousness as I had thought.

"Well, that's never happened before, but there is a first time for everything." He said obliviously.

Seriously, how does he have a medical degree?

"You ready Ms. Tyler?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

I nod nervously, and try to breathe.

"The baby will be a-"


Hey! Cliffhangers......they are so-.......
Just messing with you guys! I need you guy to comment the possible gender of the baby, and a name, and if I pick it you win a free slice of *pie! And a shout out, and a follow, unless I'm following you, then I will unfollow then re-follow, because you are so fabubootyful, you deserve to be followed twice.

Are there any other companions you want me to add? I'm only in series seven, so spoil nothing, or you won't get a free slice of *pie!

Also, this is a precautionary note for those who want to die their hair an unnatural colour, your ears will become that colour.
No one else needs to point it out.

*Virtual Slice of Pie.

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