Chapter 21

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Jack POV

I race down the corridors, searching for the room they were testing Rose's daughter. I peered into rooms, but my efforts were seemingly useless.

The front desk was no help either. "I'm sorry, but, for all I know, they took the baby off campus." He said, directing his attention back to the screen of his large desktop computer.

I have my clammy hands through my tired hair, and hit my head down on the desk, small sparks of pain spreading throughout my forehead.

"Why would the baby be taken off campus?" I asked, not bothering to lift my head.

The man sighed. "I heard that the baby regenerated. Other institutions may have better tools or something. "

This time, I lifted my head at this this man's words. "Find out, and tell me as soon as possible." I say, before walking back to the infirmary.

Rose POV

"Have you thought of any names?" Martha asked me, sitting up on a nearby counter.

"I don't know. I haven't even seen my daughter, much less think of a name." I said with a shrug, lying down on the operating table, staring into the harsh lights above.

Jack burst through the door. "I have some bad news."

With every syllable, my heart sank. Sitting up, I glared at him. "What kind of bad news?" I spoke with gritted teeth.

I haven't even seen my child, and it's been seen by everyone else?

Not okay with me.

I hop off the bed, and grab Jack by the collar, and push up against the wall, slightly lifting him up off the ground. "You are going to find my baby, and you will do it with a smile on your face, or so help me, I will make the rest of your life miserable."

He nodded, with a look of panic plastered on his face. I released, and he slid down to the floor, and walked back out the door.

Everybody was stunned, except for Mum. "That's my girl!" She said, clapping and jumping up and down.

I smiled. That was the first time I had smiled in a long time.

Jack POV

I pulled the communicator out of my pocket. The Doctor probably wants to know about his daughter. The background is full of static, but I finally hear the Doctor's voice. "Hello, Jack. Any news?" He sounds bored. How can he be bored.

"Doctor, you are now the father of a baby girl, and you are asking if there is any news?"

He was silent, not even static or the whirring of the TARDIS interfering with the conversation.

"I-I have a daughter? What's her name? What does she look like? Wh-" The Doctor was freaking out. I would too, if it was my baby.

"Hold up, Doc. I haven't seen the baby yet, either. Rose hasn't even seen it yet. Torchwood is worried about it, and what kind of powers it may possess." I said, in an effort to calm him down.

I could practically hear his heart sink. "I trust Torchwood. If they harm my daughter, I'm breaking time and space to make sure they don't do it again." The Doctor said.

I smiled. "Rose will have some choice words and actions too. She hasn't seen her baby yet, and she isn't happy. I can't imagine what Rose would do to the organization if they did something."

Somebody came up to me. I turned off the communicator, because all I heard was static.

"I've found the baby!" She whispered. My eyes grew wide. "She is with one of the field agents. They agreed not to do many tests until Rose has seen her. They only scanned her to see what percentage of her DNA is Timelord." She said, a little louder.

"Go get the baby, and bring her to the infirmary. Rose is waiting." I said, in my most authoritative voice. I headed back to the infirmary with Rose waiting.


After a few moments, the girl brought the baby to me, where I was standing outside the infirmary. "Thank you." I said to her as she ran off.

Rose POV

Jack came through the door, with my baby swaddled in a pink blanket. "Rose, I think this is yours." Jack said, handing me the bundle.

Everybody crowded around me in a semi-circle. "Rose, she is just precious." Mum and Dad said in unison. "Jinx! You owe me a future diaper change!" Mum yelled!

I smiled at them, and smiled down out at my daughter. "The anticipation is killing me! What are you going to name her!" Amy said.

I thought for a moment. "I like the name Clara." I said.

"Clara! I love it!" Martha said. "Wait, where is Mickey?" I asked, looking around."

"He left at some point last night. He has a surprise for you, back at your apartment." Dad said.

I smiled. "For a middle name, I think we should name her after Grandma Beatrice, and the month she was born in, August." I said.

"Clara Beatrice August Tyler." Martha said, smiling.


I'm going to explain my name choice now.

Clara: I had a comment for the name Clara, and somebody wanted Clara in the story. What sold me on this name was a fan theory about how Rose looking into the Time Vortex created Clara.

August: That was always a name idea, that I had brainstormed, and people liked it.

Beatrice: I'm a Divergent fan. My friend Paige suggested Tris and wrote Beatrice.

Tyler: Duh.

There you have it, my Fangirling Folks! That's the baby, that's the name that's the gender, now for the feels that is the icing on the Whovian-Fanfic-Cake-Of-Fabubootyfulness.

Now, for some news! I will post a chapter Monday-Friday for my Doctor, because it's my March Break.

And, I went out for dinner, and I wore a TARDIS sweater and I got commented on it, by our waitress. As I was putting my winter gear back on, because Canadian winters are freezing, I put my TARDIS hat and Fourth Doctor scarf on, and she liked it.


Within the next couple of chapters, I will have an "Ask the Author" chapter, so start commenting your questions.


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