Chapter 5

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Doctor POV

I'm having all these thoughts swirl around in my head. She's pregnant? How will she raise the baby? Will Mickey, or Jack help raise the child? The thoughts bring a wave of nausea over me, before I compose myself. I pull on the controls of the TARDIS, until the brilliant noise I have come to love, stops.

I step out, and make my way into the busy London Streets. I think of a bright side. At least I saved Donna.

I walk down the crowded street, step out in front of a girl, who clearly is suprised that someone walked into her.

Martha POV

As soon as I hang up from my call with Dad and Annalise, I shut my phone, and a tall man with crazy hair walks out in front of me.

"Like so," he says, pulling at his collar, and pulling of his tie. "You see," he says, while I stand there, confused. He then walks off. What a nutcase.

Rose POV

Mum is going to get her baby checked, I tag along, to get mine checked, to possibly figure out how far along I am, when will I be due, that sort of thing.

When we get to the hospital, checks us in for our ultrasounds. There is a girl there, about my age, sitting down, filling out an application. I sit down beside her.

"What are you here for?" I ask her, trying to make conversation. She pushes her dark hair to the side, and looks up at me. "A job. My name is Martha, Martha Jones. And you?" The girl says, extending her hand.

"I'm Rose, Rose Tyler. I'm here for an ultrasound." I say, awkwardly. Martha looks me, and I feel I have to explain.

"My friend, he and I traveled all over the world. We saw so much, you could say we saw half of time and space. We had a crazy weekend in Budapest. Unfortunately, he, how should I put this, he left me, but, he left me, against his will. The rest is history."

"That's too bad. How far are you along?" She asks, clearly interested.

"About a month along. I'm not quite sure."

"Well Rose, its your lucky day. I'm working in the maternity ward."

"Great! While I'm pushing something the size of a loaf of bread out of me, I am think of how you will be there with me."

We both laugh our heads off.

I soon realize, I haven't laughed like that in forever.

"Tyler, Jackie and Rose." The secretary says, lazily.

"Well, that's my cue, nice to meet you, Martha." I say, getting up.

"You two, Rose." She calls out as I go and catch up to Mum.

Mum sits on the bed, and waits for the nurse to walk in. I take the chair, across from the bed.

A young fellow with brown hair and small eyebrows walks in.

"Hello, I'm John Smith, and I'll be your Doctor for this appointment."

His name. Is John Smith. And he's. A Doctor.

I breathe heavily. Martha distracted me from the Doctor, and this man reminds me.

I place my head in my hands and I realize, I look about as pregnant as my mom, and she is about four months along.

"Wait! I jump up, and Dr. Smith looks up at me. "Do you mind if I go first? With my ultrasound?"

He seems indifferent.

"Um. Ok, then. Mrs. Tyler, would you please get off the bed? I need Miss Tyler to get ready for her ultrasound."

Mum shuffles of the bed, and allows for me to climb up.

Dr. Smith grabs the ultrasound gel, and he proceeds to rub it on my enlarged stomach.

Our attention draws to the screen. "Miss Tyler, how far along are you?"

"Um, I believe about a month, maybe two. Is there something wrong?" I say, an inexplicable feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.

"Miss, with the size of the fetus, it appears you have been pregnant for several months."



hehehehehehehehehe......I'm eviler than Steven Moffat with all the cliffhangers I do. The video above is Matt Smith and Karen Gillian singing the Doctor Who theme. It's hilarious. And the Tumblr image needed to be censored. This chapter had Martha, and the Doctor's Point of View. As well as Rose meeting an alternate version of Martha. That wasn't the original plan for the chapter. After reading the chapter, I was like, "This could work."

My sister bananananz is also writing a Doctor Who fanfic. It's called WHAT IF. Please check that out.


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