Chapter 3

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Rose POV

I don't know where to go from here. I told Mickey, and probably disapproves, jut like when I first ran away with the Doctor. I slip inside the car and sit, letting my mind wander.

I'm gonna have to live with the fact that my unborn child will not have its biological father to watch over him or her. Not to push them on the swing at the park, teach them how to cook, or to teach them about the stars.

I replay the scene at Bad Wolf Bay, thinking hard to the day when I lost him, praying that, in some way, I can bring him back.

"There's one tiny little gap in the universe left, just about to close, and it takes a lot of power to send this projection. I'm in orbit, around a supernova. I'm burning up a sun to say goodbye." He said to me, through his projection, tears streaming down my face.

"You look like a ghost," I say, trying to distract my thoughts.

"Hold on," he said, and the noise of his sonic, a noise I've come to associate with love.

"Can I?" I start to ask, my hand reaching out to the now clear projection.

"I'm still only an image, no touch." He said, as I withdrew my hand.

"Can't you come through properly?" I ask, longing to be next to him in the TARDIS.

"The whole thing would fracture. Two universes would collapse." He told me, calmly, holding his emotions back well.

"So?" I said, not caring about the fact that millions of people could die, if I went back with the Doctor.

"Where are we? Where did the gap come out?" He asked, trying to deliver my train of thought away from us.

"We're in Norway."I told his hologram, and trying not to let the small dam holding my sadness collapse.

"Norway, right." he said, the sound of the TARDIS echoing in the background.

"About 50 miles out of Burgen. Its called Dårlig Ulv Stranden."I say, tears stinging in my eyes.

"Dalek?" He asks me, hoping it doesn't live up to its name.

"Dårlig. It's Norwegian for bad. This translates as Bad Wolf Bay. How long have we got?" I ask him, hoping for an eternity, when it could be mere seconds.

"About two minutes." He says, and I feel somewhat relieved.

"I can't think of what to say!" I say frantically, not wanting to waste any time, as it was evident I would never see him again.

"You've still got Mister Mickey, then?" He said, trying to make me feel better, but failing.

"There's five of us now. Mum, Dad, Mickey, and the baby."

"Your not?" He said worriedly, not hoping that his child will never get to meet him.

"No, it's Mum. She's three months gone. More Tyler's on the way." I say, trying to sound upbeat.

"And what about you?" he asks, trying to make casual conversation, when he should make good use of the small window of time we have together.

"I'm back to work on the shop." I say nonchalantly.

"Oh, good for you." He says, as if he isn't listening.

"Shut up. No I'm not. There's still a Torchwood on this planet. It's open for business. I think I know a thing or two about aliens." I say, thinking about how cool it would be of with my job at Torchwood, I could find the Doctor again.

"Rose Tyler, Defender of Earth. You're dead, officially, back home. So many people died that day, and you've gone missing. You're on a list of the dead. Here you are, living life, day after day, an adventure I never have."

"Am I ever going to see you again?" I ask, holding the tears in my eyes.

"You can't." These words sink my heart down to my feet.

"What're you gonna do? I ask him, a small part of me hoping he will feel lost without me.

"Oh, I have the TARDIS. Same old life, being the last of the Timelords."

"O-on your own?" I say, as the hologram nods. I can't hold back my emotions any longer.

"I-I love you." I tell him, tears falling like raindrops on the window.

"Quite right to. And I suppose, if it's my last chance to say it, Rose Tyler,-" as his hologram disappears. Mum runs up to me, and wraps me in an embrace that almost makes me forget about the fact that I lost the Doctor.


I wave the memory out of my mind. Why couldn't I have listened to that man that told me about the Doctor, saying that he has only on constant companion.


I push the keys into the ignition, and pull the car into drive. The portion of my life traveling with the Doctor maybe over, but I know have a new portion of it opening up.


I hope you like the picture above. My sister bananananz made that meme, so if you like it, go follow her and read her Doctor Who fanfic, "What If". I hope you had wonderful holidays. If you have other memes that fit this story or the BBC, send it to me, and I will add it. Same with a book cover. With the part about Bad Wolf Bay, I hope I got it accurate enough. I looked at a copy of the script I found online. I was writing near my little brother and his friend, and I started crying during this chapter, and my brother knows why I'm crying, but his friend doesn't. I think he's made little scared of me now.


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