Chapter 23

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Doctor POV

Martha and I run back into the TARDIS, shutting the doors behind us. The faint sound of laser beams echo around us, but fade away.

I go over to the controls, enter coordinates, and pull on a few levers. Martha grabs on to a railing, and waits for the TARDIS to take off.

The TARDIS begins to make noise.


"Let's not do that again." Martha said, trying to catch her breath.

I smile. "The traveling-to-other-planets part, or the almost-getting-killed-by-the-life-forms-living-on-said-planet part. Because really, they're the same thing." I say, and she laughs.

We landed back on Earth. Martha turned to me, a sad, but dead serious look in her eyes. "Doctor, I think I should go. I want to become an actual doctor, and I can't go gallivanting through time and space, when people need me.m. Also, you've never shown the slightest interest in me. You still obviously love Rose, and now, you have a daughter. Take care." She says, walking towards the doors.

It takes me a few seconds to comprehend what's happened.

Martha's gone.

Because of Rose.

I never thought I would lose someone because of someone else.

"Martha, wait," I began, and she turned back around with a huff. "Do you at least want to know what my daughter's name is?" I ask, hoping for her to stay on the TARDIS a little longer.

She takes in an exasperated breath. "Sure, and I'll pop the champagne when I get home, too." Martha spoke with bits of sarcasm prickling in her voice.

I take in a deep breath. "My daughter's name is Clara Beatrice August Tyler, and she is the first half-human-half-timelord child ever."


Sorry again about the short chapter. But in my defence, you get not one chapter, but two chapters, so there isn't much to complain about.

I have a cold and I lost my voice, sadly. On the bright side, I sound kind of like a Dalek, so I'm somewhat happy about that.

Next chapter I will answer your questions. So please comment them now, so I can set them up in writing, and answer them.

{discontinued} The Wolf Cub (Rose Tyler x The Doctor fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now