Chapter 6

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Rose POV

"Dr. Smith, this can't be possible. I tested my self a week ago. At the most, I've been pregnant for a month, not several." I protest.

"When was the date of conception?" Dr. Smith ask me, unfazed by the awkward question.

"Yeah, Rose, when was the date of conception?" Mum asks, somewhat irritated by this question.

"We went to Budapest, for a weekend. Around a month ago. That was fun." I start to reminisce.

"Snap out of the daydream, sweetheart."

Dr. Smith digs through the mess of papers on his clipboard, info written in almost ineligible writing.

"Most unusual, that the baby is growing at this rate. Have you taken any steroids, alcohol, drugs, or any other stimulants?"

"Nope, none at all. That would harm the baby."

"Exactly. By the size of the baby, it appears to be about four months old. Currently we are in the month of March, so the baby will be born at some time in August, due to its size."

The doctor wipes the gel of my stomach and shuts the machine off.

"Now, Ms. Tyler, please get off the bed so Mrs. Tyler can have her ultrasound."

Dr. Smith chuckled silently, a if he was laughing at an inside joke.

"Oi, mate! What's so funny?" Mum barked, frightening Dr. Smith.

"Nothing." he mumbled silently.

"I want an apology, before we do my ultrasound." Mum said, refusing to lie back down.

Dr. Smith looked at me, and I put my head in my hands. "Mum," I said, scolding her, and walked back over to Dr. Smith. "Sorry about her. Pregnancy hormones." I whisper to him, and he discreetly nods. "Mum, I'll be out in the waiting room. Try not to harm anyone." I slip out the door before she could reply. I slipped into a chair and closed my eyes.


I awoke to my mom shaking me. "Sweetheart, it's time to go." I blinked, and my eyes started to adjust to the light.

I stood up, and we walked out to the car. "Rose, you drive." She says breathing deeply.

I climb into the drivers seat, and push the key into the ignition, and push my foot on the pedal.

Soon after, we arrived back to the apartment. "Hey, there are my two beautiful girls! How are you guys?" Dad says cheerily. Almost cheerily.

"What's with all the happy?" I ask him, skeptical of his behaviour. He glances at Mum, and they both nod.

"We are getting another apartment, in this building. You can live in this one, with your baby, and we will take this one." Dad says.

My eyes grow wide. I've never lived on my own before. At least they will still be in this building.

"Thank you guys, so much! This is exciting! Will it be on this floor?"

"Yep, and we have already paid for the apartment, and we start to move our belongings tomorrow. It's also furnished, so you can keep all the furniture." Mum explains.

"I can help you move everything, if you like," I start to suggest, but mum whispers in my ear, "Dad will be doing the moving, I'm getting paints and things. Do you want to come and get paint for a baby's room?" She asks.

"Better sooner than later. I'm going to bed. " I say.

I slowly walk to bathroom to brush my teeth. As I pick up my toothbrush, I feel a small kick in my abdomen.

"Mum, Dad! The baby just kicked!" I exclaim, jumping.

Mum and Dad run to the small bathroom and place their hands on my stomach.

"I can feel it!" Mom shouts. "This is massive!" Dad shouts.

"Hey, keep it down!" A familiar voice calls. "I think I know where the voice is coming from."

I walk out out of the apartment, and, go up to the floor above it. I knock on the door of the apartment, and a familiar face opens the door.


{discontinued} The Wolf Cub (Rose Tyler x The Doctor fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now