Chapter 15

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Rose POV

Gold? The Doctor's regenerative energy was gold, like a beams of gold coming out his head and arms. Could this be from my baby, soaking up my energy like a sponge?

"I think I know what happened. " I spoke up. I must have been thinking longer than I thought. I startled everybody with my raspy voice.

Their tired eyes turned towards me. Martha walked closer to me. "I think I have the same idea." I wave my hand, signalling for her to come closer, so I can whisper in her ear.

She nods. "Exactly what I thought. Let's get her for an ultrasound!" Martha practically bellows.

"Wait!" Mum yells. Is this a new trend in not aware of? "Do we have to see Doctor Smith?" Her yelling becoming whining.

"Nope, I'm handling it this time!" Martha screams.

"What is with all the yelling?" I say, but my voice seeming quieter in comparison.

Amy apparently heard me, and got everyone to stop.

I got pushed, while in my hospital bed, to the ultrasound room. We stopped a few feet away from the door, and Martha went into the room.

It was empty, with the exception of Doctor Smith, Martha grabbed by the bow tie, and pulled him out of the room, pushing me in.

"Two people allowed inside the room, the rest can accompany Doctor Bowtie outside." Martha said, and Amy, Mickey, and Jack stepped out of the room.

"But bow ties are cool!" Doctor Smith cried out, his voice muffled by the door shutting.

"I hear you, Mrs. Tyler. He is irritating." Martha said, tying her hair back, and grabbing a tube of gel.

"Now, I have to put the gel on your stomach. Mrs. Tyler, don't take this the wrong way, and I am in a happy relationship, but I'm going to have to ask your daughter to lift up her shirt." Martha said.

Mum nodded. "I bet there's a story and a half there." Dad said, chuckling under his breath.

"Oi, do you want to be sent out there with Doctor Crazy-Bowtie? You are very close to being sent out there." Mum said.

Dad puts his hands up in surrender, and a muffled voice said "I heard that!"

I roll up my shirt, and stop rolling where my enlarged stomach ends.

Martha shakes the bottle, and pours the cool, blue gel on my belly.

She rubs it in with a special device, spreading it out. We direct our attention to the monitor.

Oh no.



((In everybody's best interest, I will limit my "Street" talk.))

I'm going to get serious for a moment. I rarely am serious, so this is important.

In Toronto, Canada, on February 19th, I little 3 year old boy named Elijah walked out of his grandmother's apartment, only wearing a T-shirt, diaper and winter boots walked outside in -40C, and froze to death.

The first to comment #prayfirelijah will get a shoutout, follow, and slice of pie*.


*Virtual. Whenever I write food, it'll be virtual. I'm not going to be knocking on your door, and saying "Hi, I'm wattpad user 'party-in-the-tardis, and here is your slice of pie! ALLON-Y, FANTASTIC AND GERONIMO!" And ride off into the sunset on my bacon unicorn. I don't work like that. Also, I don't know where you live.

{discontinued} The Wolf Cub (Rose Tyler x The Doctor fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now