Chapter 13

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Rose POV

This is it, the gender of the baby. I want to know, but I don't want to know. I think I want this to be a surprise. It's what the Doctor would want.

"Wait!" I yell, interrupting Doctor Smith. I swallow down the lump in my throat.

"I want to be surprised." I said softly.

Doctor Smith looked baffled. Mom looked shocked.

"Okay. Well, the baby is growing, at a faster rate if anything." He said, making the situation more awkward, as he gently wipes the gel off my stomach with a cold moist towelette.

I slid myself gently off the bed and pulled my shirt down. I zipped up my hoodie, and stormed out of the room, Mum following not far behind.

"Rose, what's wrong?" Mum asked, pulling me into a hug.

"I got a package on nightstand last night, and it had two books. 'What to Expect When You're Expecting' and 'A Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy'. In between the books, there was a card that was apparently from the Doctor. It said ' To Rose, my Bad Wolf, to find your Wolf Cub, and eventually me.

Love, The Doctor'.

It means he wants me to find him!" I whisper, tears pooling in my eyes.

Mum sighed, pulling me into a hug. "Sweetheart, those are the hormones." She says in a quiet, serene whisper.

I wiped eyes, and pull myself together. "Now, I was nice to Doctor Smith, lets go get some smoothies!" I saw, my mood flipping like a fish out of water.

"Alright." Mum says, pushing the door of the hospital open.

As we got in the car, Mum asked me a question. "Rose, you said you needed to find the Doctor. How do you intend to do that?" She asks, thinking I can be serious with trying to find the Doctor.

"There is Torchwood, in this universe. I think I have a bit of knowledge on time and space. " I say, biting my lower lip.

"Well, that's an option, and its a job." Mum says, obviously not thrilled about my plans as a Torchwood agent.

She puts the keys in the ignition, and turns them, bringing the car's engine to life with a small purr.

We drove for a few minutes, until the car stops, making me aware where I am.

I open the passenger seat door, and step out, into the crisp morning. It's a good thing my sweater is zipped up.

I open the door, and held it for Mum. When we opened the second the second door, the cool, fruit scented air hits us like a slap in the face.

We go up to the counter, to order. "Hi, may I take your order?" The cashier said enthusiastically.

"I'll have a large strawberry mango smoothie, and a large berry banana smoothie." I said, ordering for me and Mum.

The lady nodded, and turned around to pour the fruit and milk in the blender, before turning on the blender, and pouring the thick drinks into styrofoam cups.

"And that will be 7.97." The cashier said, as I handed her a ten dollar bill, and she handed me my change.

I walked over to a table Mum was sitting at, and put her smoothie in front of her.

"I am serious about Torchwood, though. I can help with my knowledge of space, and the Doctor." I told her, bringing up the subject of Torchwood again.

"Why don't you get another job in the shop? You make excellent pay, and a shop job is a lot safer than going after aliens." Mum countered, not wanting me to get involved with something dangerous, because we both knew what came out of that.

"And that's exactly why I want a job at Torchwood, because safe is boring. A job in the shop is pushing me further away from Him. Careful and safe are dull, compared to seeing the day the earth died, the Daleks and Cybermen, and the cat nurses and new species of humans on New Earth. " I answered, giving her an answer that was hard to disagree with.

"Alright, you could be 'Rose Tyler, Defender of Earth'. Has a nice ring to it? Doesn't it?"

Rose Tyler, Defender of Earth.

Rose Tyler, Defender of Earth.

The voice repeated itself until it becomes my cheeky, cool haired, trench coat wearing Doctor's voice, ringing in my brain, making my heart hammer against my rib cage.

Mum looked at me. "Rose, are you alright,-" Mum begins to ask me, before my vision goes gold with the slight memories of looking into the Time Vortex, before I pass out.



My little sister's birthday is today, and you know what that means? WRITING TIME!

Go follow her, and she has a Doctor Who fanfic, it's called "WHAT IF". Her user is bananananz

Congratulations to Benedict "OtterSmaugKhanLock"Cumberbatch on his wedding, and the fact that he and his wife are expecting a Cumberbaby!!!!

((The local entertainment news show used that one.)

I hope the child's first words are either "Murder" or Anything to make the Sherlock or Hobbit or Star Trek fans prouder than the Sherlolly kiss, or something.

Serious: MissRoseTyler's grandpa passed away recently, as she tells in an author's note of her absolutely brilliant story "Alternate Whoniverse". Please send prayers and hopes for her and her family.

{discontinued} The Wolf Cub (Rose Tyler x The Doctor fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now