Chapter 26

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"5 minutes." After saying that, I dashed out of the car and searched for the home key. Quickly unlocking the front door, I then sprinted up the stair and towards my room.

It was already 5.23 pm and I have less than 2 hours to get to airport and it worried the heck out of me! I messily rummaged through my wardrobe and searched for the passport. Taking out some of the beautiful dress and fresh clothes, I put all the significant things into my maroon small-sized luggage and ensured that every necessary stuff was already included. Then, I quickly dragged my luggage out of my house and towards Jungkook's car.

He was talking on the phone when I was heading out and upon seeing me, he hung up the call and approached me to take the luggage from me to put them on the backseat.

"Have you checked if you miss anything?" Jungkook reminded me and I shook my head, I'm pretty sure I had taken everything with me.

And we once again hit the road.

"Tell your boyfriend." After for awhile staying in the atmosphere with only silence engulfing us, Jungkook fibally said something however, it wasn't something I wanted to talk about right now.


I was hesitated for a moment and from the reflection of the dark-tinted car, I could see Jungkook glancing my way, probably waiting for my respond. With a sigh, I answered him with, "Later. I will tell him later."

"He must be worried sick about you." He added and yes, I had to admit that he wasn't wrong, but telling Taehyung about this where I barely even reach the airport yet, wasn't really a good idea either. That guy strangely worried about every single thing I do and if he happened to find out about this, there was no doubt that he would use all the way possible to reach and stop me.

"Telling him will only make him worry about me more." I told. "It's better this way. At least until I reach Singapore."

"I'm not trying to meddle in your business but that was kind of cruel." My heart painfully clenched at that cause everything he said was nothing but the truth. Keeping my eyes on the rode ahead of me, a big sigh of relief silently left my mouth when I caught a sight of the airport.

"Jungkook," Finally, I turned my face facing him. "I'm so grateful that you're worrying about me and Taehyung but can we not talk about this right now? You're making me feel guilty."

"You should. I did it on purpose." And that got my mouth to slightly open due to his bluntness. My face instantly hardened at that and I moved my gaze back to the main gate of the airport, trying to ignore his existent. "You're not stupid I acknowledge that, but what you're doing now just isn't smart of you, Scarl."

"Geez." I gritted my teeth.

When he stopped the car, I waste no second to get out of the car and get my luggage from the backseat. I just wanted to quickly get away from him. Hearing him saying something like that again might change my mind into going to New Zealand. I was feeling bad enough to leave Taehyung behind like that and he just had to burden me more with that kind of talks.

I pulled the handle of my luggage up and dragged it to Jungkook's side of the car to thank him. He might offend me but I wasn't rude enough to leave him just like that when he literally drove 4 hours to get me here.

But, even before I could reach the car door, Jungkook already opened them and got himself out of the car. His sudden action got me squeaked due to our sudden proximity. Like a flash, I took a few step back to distant myself away from him. Upon seeing me stumbling, his face turned into a shock expression but I knew better than to believe that. It was no doubt intentional.

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