Chapter 13

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'Ahh, my back.'

The moment I opened my eyes, I regretted it almost instantly when the rays from the sun directly fell onto my face, blinding me. My right arm went up to my forehead to block the light however, it rubbed and landed above a hot skin - knuckles. My eyes widened alarmingly and I almost shout out loud when I came face to face with someone's or most precisely, a man's chest. Very slowly like really really slowly, didn't want to wake up this whoever stranger, I tilted my face a little to take a peek over his face and a gasp escaped from my mouth when I caught the sight of Jungkook's face.

He literally had his head nuzzled in my hair, the palm of the hand that was pillowing me, rested on my head, right few inches above my forehead. His other arm went across my chest. Seeing as how his arm basically touching my bare skin, and how I was almost half naked with only a white un-ziped jacket around me, I didn't even think twice to scream out loud and push him away from me.

Since the backseat didn't have that much space for two grown-up teenagers in it, he fell flat on the ground, wincing in pain followed by a few inappreacitive words. I sat up straight and regretted it instantly when I felt a shot pain in my left ankle. I moaned in pain and felt back on my back. "Ow!"

I held my left leg and tilted my head to check on them. Jungkook finally sat up from down there and once his eyes fell upon my leg and soon went to my face, a snicker left his mouth. With a raspy sleepy voice, he muttered under his breath, "That's for having no mercy on me."

I gave him my best glare and gritted my teeth. I burnt a hole on his back as he opened the door and pulled himself out of the car, automatically giving his body a good stretch the moment he got all the space for himself.

I was thinking If there would be a day where he would stop getting on my nerve. Right at this moment, all I wish for was to have God blessing me with a power where I could kill someone just using my eyes because I'd gladly kill one right now. He caught my eyes and a smirk made its way on his lips and that was enough to make me feel like exploding.

This guy I swear!

"You clearly don't deserve any." I gritted out and focused on my leg. It was after I remove the black blazer off my legs that I realised the hole on my jeans over my knees. A few drop of dry blood stained them. The sight bringing me back all the flashback from yesterday - from where I was with Taehyung, minutes later Taehyung left me, then the next moment I was driving a freaking Ford Mustang for Jungkook, then I won the race and find Taehyung, then these hormonal idiots came and the lake happened and out of nowhere, everything turned into a complete chaos. Last night, I felt as if everyone left me alone, and for the first time, even Taehyung was not there with me to help me when I was so terrified, with police on their ways and with my leg been killing me, literally nobody helped me, and I was so scared-

"Scarlet," he must have noticed the sudden change in my mood that his voice suddenly turned so soft, clearly worried that I might break down anytime now. He leaned down from outside just so he could face me and my green eyes fell on his observant hazel ones.

Just like that, the episodes from last night once again flooding my mind but this time, it revolved around him - I remembered the relief look on his face the moment he saw me, I remembered the way he hurried towards me, I remembered the way he carried me in his arm and rushed to his car. It just, it just seemed like he was really been looking for me last night when everyone else just selfishly left me alone.

But, did he really?

I gave in over my curiosity, I questioned him, "Were you been looking for me last night?"

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