Chapter 42

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7 years later

"Miss! Miss!"

My chain of thought broke when a short-haired lady beside me gently tapped my arm.

"Its your turn now." Moving out of trance, I looked towards the glass door and noticed a stern looking woman in her forties watching my every moves impatiently. She must have called me several times already but panic whirled inside my mind that I missed she calling my name. Picking up my file and letting out some deep breaths, I stood up, straighten my attire and turned to the short-haired lady from earlier to offer a thank you. Unlike me who already spread out a bad impression by spacing out, she looked really sophisticated and intelligent in her black business suit and black locks pulled up in a small bun.

Well. guess who is getting the job.

"Yoon Jaehwa. You may enter now."

I ignored the inferiority complex to the other candidates, the insane thumping of my heart and followed the woman with the stern face from earlier enters the room. She held the door for me and I waled inside, trying my best to display a confident smile on my face. The chair of the Executive Director was turned around, and that really picked up the pace of my heartbeat. Is he really the Executive Director ? Why he got to be as dramatic as facing away? It's okay Scarl you got to keep the smile going. He was feeling himself as the main character.

I was fidgeting with the files in my hands when the chair rotated, revealing the Excecutive Director to me.

I couldn't hide my surprise. We both froze for a moment. I couldn't believe my eyes for a minute. He was there, in front of me, after 7 years.

I missed him. I missed him so much. My every inches of my heart is calling for him. Meeting those brown eyes, in person, right in front of me, bringing back all the old memories from when we were still in high school and those feeling from back then resurfaced. Ahh, it was that, obviously. I was always be waiting for his return. I longed for him.


"What are you standing there for? Sit down." My words were interrupted and I found myself at a loss for words at the tone of his voice. For a moment there, I missed the way a smile would instantly climbed up his lips the moment we met each other in the past. A wave of indifference masked his face, and I doubted myself if the guy in front of me was just an illusion.

'But no. It can't be. I wasn't mistaken'

It was really him. He had lost the extra pounds, and his face was thinner than before. They way his black shirt hugged his forearms told me that he had a share of time in the gym. There was a stubble covering his strong jaw and his hair was gelled to side with perfection.

'Maybe its not just his appearance that changed. What happened 7 years ago must have left a greater effect on him than I expected.'

I took a seat as he told. without exchanging a single words made me getting all nervous and the fact that I could clearly feel a pair of eyes on me didn't help to sooth my nervousness away. I slightly jolted in my seat when he cleared his throat.

"Miss..?" He assessed my face with his calculative eyes, waiting for me to tell him my surname. What is happening, did he not recognize me anymore? I haven't changed that much since high school accept for the way I dressed up and the style of my hair. Instead of a long dirty blonde hair, I cut my hair shorter and grew my bangs. That was all but its not to the point where I became unrecognizable.

The file was in front of him but he didn't bother to look into it. He wanted to hear it from my mouth, almost as if he was trying to confirm something from my answer.

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