Chapter 7

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"Yes, Scarlet." My chemistry teacher, Mrs. Byun smiled at me when I raised my hand up in the middle of her class. All eyes were watching me. I usually didn't get so much attention but after that Jungkook happened, I was suddenly climbing up the popular scale.

Fudge my life.

"I need to go to the toilet. Can I?" When she nodded her head, I didn't wait a second to dash out of the classroom and walked along the corridor to search for someone.

And that someone was Kim Taehyung.

He supposed to be beside me in Chemistry but strangely, he didn't. I'd been checking my phone so many times, expecting texts from him but he never did. He was ranked high in fuckboy-chart in my school and everyone knows they skipped school frequently but fortunately, Taehyung was not like the rest.

Yes, he did skip class sometime but it would be once in a month or most twice and if he really did, he would make sure he text me and tell me to go ahead to class or take notes for him.

I hadn't seen Taehyung since I left him in the cafeteria during lunch. And when he didn't attend Chemistry class today, I knew something was definitely not right. I started over-thinking thing like, what if he was hurt when I left? And didn't rely on him when he knew I needed to be comforted? and what if he was ignoring me because of that?

That sounded so lady-like and my Taehyung is not like that.

Well, who knows.

The first place I went to, was the parking lot to see whether his car was still there or not and thankfully, it was.

He's still here.

Knowing him, I knew there would be only three places where I could find him and it was either rooftop, boys locker room or infirmary room where he pretended to has migraine.

I pushed myself up all the stairs and made my space to the rooftop first whilst hoping for my instinct to be right. When I reached, I slowly twisted the doorknob, opened the door a little and peeked outside. A relief sigh escaped my mouth when I spotted his brown hair.

He was there alone, laying down on the bench with earphones in both ears and I knew he couldn't hear anything when I pushed the door open.

When I approached him, it was then that I realised he was actually sleeping, a hand covering his eyes while another holding his phone on his stomach. I paced closer to him and decided to surprise him until my eyes landed upon a small cut on the side of his lips with purple fresh-bruise.

Did he get into a fight?

I kneeled down on the floor and watched his glossy-pink lips again, then my eyes wandered all over him to search for any other bruises and I found them on his knuckles, swollen-red knuckles with a few small cuts.

Whoever this dude Taehyung had punched must be in hell lot pain.

I looked at him again and he was still sleeping so peacefully. I didn't know how he could sleep like that when he just bloody punched someone and one thing that frustrated me the most was the fact that he didn't even care to take care of the wound or at least tell me!

What are best friends for?

I heaved a big sigh and left him to the infirmary room, asking the nurse for the first-aid kit and went back to Taehyung who was still in his dreamland, unmoving.

I kneeled down on the floor again and reached out for cotton and hydrogen peroxide from the box. I knew he would wake up when applied this on the wound so why bother waking him up?

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