Chapter 36

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"Drive safe, son. You can crash here whenever you want." I stared at my mum as if she had a grown another head while Jungkook gladly accepted the offer, his exhilaration eyes lingered on me every now and then.

Ever since my mum spilled the bean in the living room a moment ago, I have been averting my eyes everywhere in the house but Jeon Jungkook. I wasn't that oblivion. I knew he was watching me, staring at me intensely to catch my attention, to crack my calm composure and finding the truth behind my mother's intelligence endeavor to hint at my wretched single-ness.

But I didn't give him that opportunity as I kept myself busy devouring the food. Not once did I glance at him.

After that nerve-wrecking accident, I became awfully quiet. I was contemplating whether I should force my brain to come out with any reasonable excuses to protect this pretend relationship between me and Taehyung, or to let the time decide where I would be heading without further explanation.

And a discrete part of me wanted to depend on the latter.

"Scarlet, I forgot to make an important call. You send Jungkook off to his car." My breath stuck in my throat when my mum let this words out of her throat. My eyes widened with dread as I kept them focused on my mom's cactus. 

"He's not a little kid anymore mum. He can go by himself. His car is just right ove- Owww! What was that for??" Grabbing onto my arm which mum successfully left a small, reddish pinch mark on it, I then turned to look at her with the feeling of humiliated skinning my face.

"Stay here and watch him leave. Be nice to your friend, you can't just close the door on his face." My mom shook her head in fake disappointment before she bid the pleased Jungkook one last goodbye and disappeared from our sights.

After all the effort to avoid Jungkook, my own bloody mother really threw me straight to the predator who had his owlish eyes fixated on me all night?

I cocked my head up when that certain someone sneered contemptuously. Finally, our line of gazes met each other and I wasted no time to drop my eyes again, searching for my slippers as an excuse to not looking him in the eyes.

My heart quaked every time I looked into those luminescent stars behind his eyes.

Putting my slipper on, I proceed to walked pass him who silently watching my every move with eyes sparkled with astonishment. My pulse racing under his calculative gaze and Jungkook didn't help when he teased me with his deep throaty chuckle as he jogged after me.

I hugged myself, my ears burning hot as I walked to his car. Trying my best poker face, I looked at him and stammered, "Thank, thank you for sending me home earlier."

My heart accelerated instantly the moment his gazes held my green eyes hostile. Goosebumps crawled up my cold arms and blushing skin as he stared deeply into my spineless soul. His eyes silently daring me to avert my gaze away and I already expected myself to fail miserably when he towered over me.

The dim streetlight shone on one side of his face, the shadows accentuated his strong jaw as he took steps closer towards me.

"You're avoiding me all night." Jungkook stated humorlessly not once did he move his sensuous eyes away from mine as his feet taking another steps closer. 

I found myself gulping down the big invisible lump stuck in my throat. His curious eyes, although show no sign of violence other than the glint of amazement in them, somehow intimidated me to the point where it was hard to speak up. I didn't even realized I had taken a few step back until my body collided with the cold body of his car.

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