Chapter 18

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"You're spacing out." Jungkook's voice bringing me back to reality. I turned to him who was sitting beside me and try my best to master a smile, but it couldn't go past the fake one. My mind had been clouded by so many thoughts at the moment and everything revolved around Jimin.

The way he held me tightly with his trembling hands. The way his eyes were shaking with hopes. The hopes he wished God would not abandon. The hope that a miracle would come his way. The hope to stay... living.

"I love this place...too"

-He sicked of it.

"I can get married and have children.."

-He wonder if he has enough time for that.

" I will be living a happy life with the one I love...just like.. everyone else."

-He's dying and he knows he can't be like everyone else.

When I hugged him just now, I didn't know what was the right thing to do, the right thing to say. All I do was just patting his back and wrapped my hands tighter around him, hoping that I would somehow provide a blacket of comfort. I didn't even answer the question he ask me before. Will he survive? I want him to. I want him to be healthy and chase whatever dream he wants. To have a wife, to have kids, to have a decent job and living a happy life but, no word seemed to come out of my mouth. I was afraid. He was so vulnerable at the moment and I was afraid that one wrong word, and I might crashed down everything he had left. He was nearly giving up.

He grew tired of it I could tell. Having to go to the same hospital over and over again for check up. He wanted to be like the rest of the teen in the world, living their life at its finest instead of having another night at the hospital on his own. He has been dealing with it for 5 years now. I don't know how it felt like to endure the pain for that long, but one thing I know for sure, one teen soul is broken and he wants nothing more than live a life like the rest of them.

And with this hug, I hope he knows that I want him to stay and keep fighting.

I threw my gaze to the window beside me and watched the street lights passed me. A tear suddenly slipped out of my eyes and I quickly wiped them out, worried Jungkook would catch me crying again.

But eventually, he did when he out of nowhere pulled over and stopped the car. There was no words coming out of his mouth afterward. All I heard was he leaning back onto his seat and unfasten his seat belt. I had no idea what he was doing but I kept my eyes looking out the window.

"Why are we stopping?" My voice cracked much to my dismay.

"I can't drive you home with puffy eyes and red nose." from the reflection of the mirror, I clearly saw him looking at the side of my face.

"I'm fine. Don't mind me." I wiped another tears that escaped from my eyes quickly.

"No you clearly don't. I know something happen between you and Jimin." Upon hearing Jimin's name, I turned my body facing him. My face probably red due to the aftereffect of crying but I paid no attention to that. There was something I want to know from Jungkook.

"Is Jimin.. does he.. what is the chance for Jimin to be healed?"

He became stiffened for a brief second before a wave of sadness washed over his face. Then, he averted his gaze away from her slightly swollen eyes and focused on his fingers. "Not so much."

My heart dropped. "There must be a way to cure it, right? There must be away."

Jungkook lift his head back and looked at me, the evident look of pain crossed his face. "There is no specific medication for leukemia, Scarl. He had received a few treatments for the past years. However, it doesn't stop the spreading completely. It just slower them. It's a cancer, Scarl. The treatment basically to lengthen their lifespan."

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