Chapter 38

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She shrugged proudly, "I'm not surprised you know me. Those two may have say something about me."

"You mean your exes?" I sneered at her, "Sorry to pop your bubble Seulhi, there wasn't much nice thing they talked about you. Oh and to make it clear, the first time I heard your name, it was in the toilet. You must have get on the girls' nerve or something to have them badmouthing you nonstop."

Her face hardened, "You really can't shut your mouth huh, bitch!?"

The fact that she was holding out her phone in front of me, with my uniform completely torn at the buttons, exposing my upper half with only my dark blue bra, it kind of been giving me some kind of idea of what she was planning to do.

"Whatever you're planning to do, I will not back down that easily." I warned her.

"You know what? It's hard to believe those two idiots would chase someone like you." Her hand trailed down my chest to my abdomen, while the other hand busy recording the scene. "In term of body, you obviously have nothing to compare with me. Don't even dream of dating them Scarlet, cause they will surely compare them small breast with mine. I gamed them both for sex and they fell for it. Who would have thought the two fuck boys will get so attached to me. By now, you should already know that you're out of their league, bitch."

And that was it. This girl are so gonna have it!

With everything I have, I gave her a good kick on her stomach. Her friends gasped loudly as she fell on her butt, holding her stomach. Noticing that the girls were so focused on Seulhi who was on the ground wincing in pain, I took this opportunity to step on their feet and freed myself from their holds.

The moment I was freed from their holds, I instantly charged towards Seulhi and made her compensated for the pain she gave me earlier; I punched her hard across the face.

"Shut the fuck up!" I shouted to her. Considering how fast my body usually react to my hormones, I believed my face had became so red due to my anger. The horror on Seulhi's face might have proven my point. I held her face in my hand, "All you talk about, all you compare about was your body, Seulhi! Don't get too cocky for something you're born with!"

The girl who was wearing the same uniform as Seulhi tried to grab my hair but I caught them and twisted her hand behind her back, enough to make her wince in pain but not to the point of breaking it.

"I have nothing against you!" I pushed the girl aside. The other two girls who wears the same uniform as mine already fled the moment I punched Seulhi across the face and I was so thankful for their lack of loyalty.

I was too focused on that Nayeon girl that I completely unaware of another punch coming my way. Seulhi's ring grazed my cheeks and instead of wincing in pain, I pushed her hard as we fell on the ground. She was quick to pull my hair as I sat on her stomach.

"Get off me, disgusting bitch!" Seulhi shouted.

"You mean yourself!?" I yelled back, also tugging her permed jet-black hair.

"Fuck you!" She shouted as she hit my head.

"Firstly, just so you know! I grow up with brothers and whatever you're doing now is nothing compare to our wrestling everyday!" I pinned her hands with my feet and pulled her ears, as she grimaced in pain. "Secondly, don't go around be so proud of your body! You will not grow old having that curve forever! What you bring to the future is your self-quality not just your body alone! Damn it!" And I slapped her hard across the face.

"Get off me!" Her hands get ahold of my feet as her nails dug my skin, desperately pinching me.

"No! I've had enough of holding back! Thirdly, what you have done to Taehyung and Jungkook is unforgivable! Because of you, I can't befriend both without feeling guilty for another one!" And I punched her across the face again.

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