Chapter 30

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The phone ringing waking me up from my deep slumber. I was having such a very hard time opening my eyes because it was such a long time seems I got to sleep so well like this, with the luke-warm room alongside the thick blanket that engulfed me tightly resulted in me refusing to open my eyes. But still, I reached out for the phone that ringing so early in the morning, knocking down a few things on the night stand before I finally get a grip of it. Without even bothering to flutter my eyes open, I picked up the call and put it over my ear.

"Hello." My voice came out muffled as I pulled the blanket higher and snuggled closer to my pillow.

"Cupcake? Why are you answering Jungkook's phone?" Taehyung voiced from the other side and my eyes immediately shot open and for a moment the dizziness took over because of the aftereffect of crying so much but when I finally got my focus back, my green eyes went round the moment I came face-to-chest with the notorious quarterback. 

I pulled myself away from him and instantly checked the shirt underneath the blanket we were sharing and a relief sigh left my mouth when I found out that were both still in our outfits from yesterday. I felt the hotness crept up my neck and ears when I tried lifting up my left hand only to find out it was still interlocking with Jungkook's. My gazes drifted from our entangled fingers to his face and I couldn't stop the smile forming on my lips when he kept the promise from last night to keep me acompany and holding my hand all night long.

"Cupcake? Are you listening?" Taehyung's voice grabbing my attention.

"Oh yes, I'm listening! Jungkook told me you called last night. Sorry, my phone died. Why had you called?" I lied to him about my phone died when I purposely shut my phone down. I just don't want to talk to anyone right now especially my mother. Call me childish but forgiving my own mother wasn't that easy even though she is my own bloody mother.

"I just wanna know how you doing? My day suck without you around, cupcake." I pulled myself up and leaned my head against the headboard. I was trying to talk as quiet as possible and avoid moving so much to prevent Jungkook from waking up. He was sleeping so soundly like a baby beside me with his hand still holding mine firmly and I just felt bad to bother him.

"Mine wasn't that beautiful either." I confessed.

"Wow, I'm genuinely surprised to hear you having a bad day. You always sound so bright whenever reunite with Isabelle. What happen? Oh, how's the wedding? Did you catch the bouquet???" This question got a frown appearing on my forehead. After crying a whole night, now hearing about her again just pissed me off so bad.

"The wedding got cancelled." and I ended up telling him the whole story; about how Isabelle left the wedding and the groom being a rapist and me being force into a marriage with that thing and also mom slapping me in the face.

"Did she get possessed or something?? Isabelle doing this?? To you???" Taehyung sound so surprised on the other side. Well, it was indeed the exact reaction I was expecting from him because Taehyung knows how close me and Isabelle were. "It was hard.. to believe."

"You're not the only one." I played with the soft fabric of the blanket. "I kinda.. wish it was all just a dream. Now, I'm mad at myself for leaving you without notice and flying to here." Then a groan left my mouth as I lifted my arm up to cover my eyes in frustration, totally forgetting about Jungkook's hand that was holding onto it earlier. "My.. I wasted $1300 dollars for this!"

I honestly feel like crying again today not because of that woman, but at the fact that the money that took me years to save, all going down the drain.

"How you feeling now, Cupcake?"

"Better now that I talk to you about-" A gasp left my mouth and my eyes doubled in size when Jungkook out of nowhere moved closer towards me and threw his muscular arm over my thighs. I held in my breath for a brief moment and bit my tongue to shut down any sound that might leave my voice box, and Jungkook just make everything harder for me when he unconsciously snuggled his face into my waist.

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