Chapter 8

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This Jimin guy looked so fine to be a patient and I started doubting whether he was really one or there was another person, a kid maybe?

I looked around the bed and my gaze stopped on a white board right above the headboard.

Name; Jimin Park

Age; 17

Disease; Acute myeloid leukemia

Treatment required; Chemotherapy

Current b/p;  87

"Dude, you finally find yourself a girlfriend? for real?" My eyes snapped to Jimin when he mentioned girlfriend and it was like a reflex action for me to scrunch my nose before I could even think.


I was looking at Jimin, disbelief and disgusted painted on my face like a second skin and It all Jimin took to amaze me with his amazing throaty laugh.

Why is this guy so beautiful?

Seeing him laughing like that with a hand covering his mouth and another on the bed, I couldn't help myself but to grin shyly. Who knows how ugly I look when I scrunched my nose just now?

But I was stopped almost instantly when Jungkook nudged me on the rib. I turned my head to face Jungkook and glared at him, who was looking so un-amused.

"He's not my boyfriend. Actually, we're not even friend and I've made a mental note to make sure it stays that way." I told Jimin right when I faced him again. He was clutching his stomach, his laugh turned to double over and I was so worried about the towel around his waist.

Please hold onto his waist tightly, Towel!

"Oh lord! This is my first time seeing a Blondie rejecting you!" He laughed again before he faced Jungkook, who immediately flipped Jimin off. That just made me to laugh along and I felt really satisfied to see Jungkook frustrated. "My life has been blessed."

Jimin showed me his palm and god! Is he asking for a high-five? That was so adorable! and I didn't wait a second to slap my palm against his soft one and chuckled with him.

Jungkook looked at the both of us and rolled his eyes before walking to the couch and sat there. He then reached out for the remote and turned the Tv on. "It just take a little time and before she even knows it, she already wakes up in my bed, all cuddles in my arms."

I snorted at him, "And that time will come when whales giving birth to kitten on 30 February."

When I saw Jimin reaching out for his white shirt which I assumed the hospital pajama, I immediately retreated away from him and went to lounge myself on the couch where Jungkook was sitting.

Jungkook threw his leg on the coffee table, arms on the back of his head and for a second, my eyes involuntarily traveled to his flexed-arms but I quickly recovered myself as he said, "Aren't you something else, Scarlet?"


He was about to open his mouth when Jimin suddenly joined us, body fully clothed. "If you guys aren't even friend, why are you coming here together? I'm not trying to be rude but It just weird having Jungkook bringing a girl here. This is the first."

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