Chapter 31

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[We reached more than 10 votes for the prev chap! So as promised here the new chapter. Enjoy! 😜]

Before, I would be so anxious whenever a boy came out to me and asking for a kiss. I was so overly protective of my first kiss but now that my ex-boyfriend Kim Namjoon had claimed my virgin lips on our very first unofficial date 2 years ago, I came to realise that kissing without any emotional string attached in between wasn't that bad, considering how my first was already taken by someone who used to be a person I adored, who dumped me in the worst way possible by putting my dignity in the line for the stupid bet.

After that accident, I decided to create a space between my heart and another. Having someone you put your faith on breaking you down to the point of beyond repair, will definitely leave a scar behind. No matter how hard we try to conceal them with our laugh and smiling face, one simple mistake and everything will only remind us of that someone.

It was easy to hate, but not to forget.

Kim Namjoon was my first love I dearly treasure and a sweetheart but he lost to his impurity lust and even tried to dirt me with forcing himself on me.

This took me a year to move on. And now my cousin added to the list. It just getting harder for me to trust just anyone.

However, for some strange reason, this guy was an exception.

When I heard him saying, "I just was to kiss you right now right here." My inner side was screaming in excitement. My heart accelerated with a soft thud reaching my eardrum and my stomach erupted with butterflies desperate to escape. A thought of stopping him never crossed my mind and weirdly, I was waiting for him to lean in closer and claim my lips. I was wondering, maybe kissing another guy can be a successful way to not have the image of your ex from hunting your mind over again. Maybe granting Jungkook's wish can help delete the memories of disgusting Kim Namjoon out of my head.

And on the other hand, seeing the gentleness and admiration in his eyes kind of giving me a hard time to refuse because deep down in the abyss of my heart, I personally wanted to kiss him. Not to prove anything, but simply want to feel his lips on mine.

The thumping of my heart worried me that Jungkook might hear them considering how close our faces were. My slightly widened eyes fixated on Jungkook's hooded gazes and I felt a goosebump crept up my neck when he slowly trailed his soft finger from my lips to the curve of my neck.

My chest going up and down due to rapid breathing and it was no doubt Jungkook felt my nervousness. My eyes followed his and the shade of pink started to climb up my cheeks when I saw the way he glided his tongue against his lips, making them wet. His gazes studying my reaction and when he realised that I wasn't planning to pull away any minute now, his gazes slid down to my quavering lips and I caught the hesitancy in his eyes as he started leaning in.

My eyelids fluttered shut and so was his, as I waited for his soft lips to mould onto mine.

However, it never came.

Slowly opening my eyes , my forehead instantly pulled into a confused scold when I witnessed Jungkook shuting his eyes tight, his hand balled into a fist as if he was having his own contemplation in his mind. Our faces were so close to one another that my heart jumped when he opened his eyes and reciprocated mine.

The sudden regret pooling in his eyes, grow the already-huge confusion I was tolerating as a wave of disappointment washed over me when he distant his face away from me.

"Maybe we should just rest today. I'll bring you out when your feet fully healed." the smile he was offering me didn't reach his eyes and my heart clenched thinking that something was bothering him. Despite covering it with a fake smile and nodding my head to his suggestion, I couldn't deny to myself that what had occured between us, saddening me at the thought of me lacking something or me being far from his ideal-type to make him deciding to back away at the very last minute.

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