Chapter 17

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"I never see you bringing Elise to school before." I stated as I kept my eyes on the road ahead of me. My hands holding the steering wheel and feeling the expensive material of this car. This man rich RICH.

"So, you're saying you've been stalking me all this time?"

And It didn't need anymore time for me to roll my eyes out of annoyance. This guy and his love for his self. "I would have noticed if you ever bring this car to school. I mean it's a mustang!" and you think I would never notice them if they ever come to my school!? It's literally my crush! Car version!

"It's Elise." he simply corrected me and I had to turn to him and give him a are you serious right now face. A smile came crawling on his face, probably satisfied with my reaction but he held them back by bitting his lower lips. And he thought it was a good idea to do that!? Thank god I was driving and I hate him, or else I would have jumped him right here right then.

God, here it comes again my horny PMS. Its okay, I know I'm not the only one feeling this on that time of the month.

"Where do you even got the name though? Why Elise? No no, let's start with this, why do you consider this car a girl to begin with?" I questioned him. But really though, I was so curious about it.

"Elise is a cute name."

He simply shrugged his shoulder off and snuggled deeper into his seat. I literally cringed when I saw him do that when his hair was still completely wet. I felt like throwing a tantrum and pulling his head out of there immediately but then, I remember. It's his car. It's up to him what to do. Other than that, I came to realise he didn't really mind getting his car wet because few night ago, he literally laid me down, who completely drenched with lake water, on his backseat.

And despite everything, his car still smelled so nice.

I don't want to know the amount of money this kid been spending.

"So, you name her Elise just because you think it's cute?"

"Yes but mostly because my little sister like the name so much." and this one got me to snap my head to look at him who had his eyes on his phone. My jaw dropped.

"You have a little sister?! Why I never know about that?" my eyes literally wide open when I heard this. I meant there was no doubt that I would walk by a group of girls talking about him and his squad everyday but never did I ever heard about him having a little sister. And he even named the car because of her.

Aren't that just cute?

He even find Jimin a tutor. Even though I was practically forced into this, I just found it heartwarming.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw him looking at me. An amused smile playing on his lips, "We're not even friend, you don't need to know that."

I scoffed when he deadpanned me with my own words yesterday and muttered under my breath, "Should have come out with something orginal."

He took his moment to chuckle at me, leaving me all annoyed before he finally opened his mouth and answered me with, "Her name is Anna. Maybe you should visit her someday? I believe she would love that. She has always want a sister."

I didn't really fond of little kid because they always got on my bad side but from the way Jungkook just casually asked me to meet her, I don't think she is one bad little girl. Or so I thought.

"I'm not sure. I don't think there will be a day where you need me in your house. Unless you bring her to Jimin or something, maybe we could arrange something." I suggested and pressed the brake when we reached the traffic light. I let my hand brushing against the circle of the steering wheel as I waited for the light to turn green.

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