Chapter 23

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"Why was he here?" Taehyung asked. He may sounds casual but from the tone of his voice it was pretty clear that he was furious with the thought of his rival in my house.

I shut my mouth snug for a whole 1 minute, excusing myself by making him space to enter the house and closed the door behind him all the while trying to find the most reasonable excuses to give him. But unfortunately, Taehyung made it clear that he didn't like it when I stay silent without enlighten him. 1 minute could possibly be the longest minute in his entire life considering how impatient he looks at the moment - hands crossing over his chest all the while watching me closing the door.

"I'm waiting, Scarlet." shoot, he's calling me Scarlet!

Trying my best poker face, I shrugged my shoulder off, "Jungkook stayed the night here." and my heart picked up its pace when Taehyung's face hardened at that and before he could jump to conclusion negatively, I was quick to added, "Apparently, Blake brought him to a college party last night and when he came here, he was completely wasted so, Blake made him stay in Luke's room."

A silent relief sigh left my mouth when his face softened a bit at my words, but the furrowed in his forehead was still visible. Sometime it confused me as to why he acted like a real boyfriend to me when he manifestly knows what's the deal between us.

"So, he didn't try anything on you?" his eyes travelled down my pajamas and I watched as his gazes then stopped onto the bandaid on my neck. I had to roll my eyes when a small satisfied smile climbed up his lips.

"You kind off make it clear to who I belong to. Poor boy can't even look me in the eyes." I squinted my eyes at his face and that was when his usual playful smirk took over his lips completely. And there gone all the fear I had just moment ago. Getting a smile or those smirk from Taehyung and I knew we were good.

"As I should." he stated proudly and I had to roll my eyes at the tone of his voice.

"Yeah," Sarcasm thick in my voice as I followed him into my room, ".. thank you for risking my brother finding out the one they thought my best friend giving me a hickey."

"They don't mind. Your family loves me." he jerked his eyebrows twice and it annoyed me that he wasn't wrong. It was a solid truth that my family had been rooting for me and Taehyung since the very beginning but we never agreed to any of their nonsense.

He flopped himself on top of my bed and I leaned my body against my wardrobe, my eyes dropped upon the guy stretching his body on the bed, "But it still didn't give you any right to do that without my permission."

A confused expression took over my face when suddenly, there was a scowl on Taehyung's face as he held his gazes onto something. My eyes trailed the route of his gazes and the color drained from my face when my eyes fell on the blue black football hoodie strewn on the floor. I bit my lips when Taehyung walked to the shirt and picked it up.

He knows exactly who that hoodie with big number 1 printed on the back, belong to..

"So, Jungkook slept in Luke's room but having his shirt thrown in your room?" This could be the day where Taehyung looked so pissed at me. The look on his face broke my heart because he had always been too sweet towards me but today, there was no question that he was so dissapointed of me.

"Tae, I swear nothing happen bet-" and my words stopped halfway when he snorted disdainfully, and there were no humour in his eyes.

"Don't you realise you just make yourself looks like a cheater?" he spatted and my mouth twitched a bit when I caught a new, but very well familiar emotions flashed in his eyes.

I neared Taehyung and a relief breath left my mouth when he didn't distant himself away from me, "Tae, let me explain. Whatever ideas running cross your head, it ain't it."

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