Chapter 11

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Hi guys sorry that I've been in hiatus for too long now. University life just ugh! I hope you're not leaving me because of this 😭😭. I'm so sorry guys and I'll try to update as fast as I can. Leave as much comment as you can. It really inspire me to update. And hope you enjoy! Oh and yes, please kindly point out any mistakes if you see any. Thankyou!


I couldn't take this anymore!

The whole cafeteria were talking bout me and Taehyung's relationship and most of the girls were throwing daggers towards my direction because you guys still wonder why? Because, this dork here was clever enough to kiss me in the public!

I quickly wiped my mouth with the wet tissue I always carry around and quickly stood up, ready to leave for my class when Taehyung pulled me back by the sleeve. "Where are you going?"

My cheeks were seconds away from exploding and Taehyung knew well about it but he insisted on turning me into a frickin' clown by tilting his head, daring me to look at him in the eyes which I had no courage to do.

I'm turning into an awkward mess. No!

"Where do you think?" I didn't want to show him my face because it was like a giveaway hint about my very very very tiny crush on him, but I still forced myself to look at him in the eyes. "Class, duh."

But it only lasted for a second before I turned facing the door. Then, I proceed my pace, completely ignoring Taehyung who was oh I seriously want to kill him! He's freaking chuckling at me! and just when I was so close to push the door, a hand beat me to that and pushed it open.

"Cupcake, you should have at least waited for me."

"Oh really, I don't see the reason why."

With that being said, a giggle escaped his pinkish mouth as he jogged faster to match my speed. "I don't know. Maybe because I'm your boyfriend now?"

I groaned loudly at that. Just when I was about to turn around and give him a smack in the head, a familiar voice shouted out for my name from the other side of the cafeteria. Drifting my attention away from the so-called-boyfriend, I was greeted with a brunette speeding towards my direction with an alerted face. I swear I had seen him before but I didn't catch the name.

Watching as how he was running with full speed and worrying that he might crash onto me, Taehyung immediately pulled me to his side and towered in front of me to face the guy who as expected, crashed onto Taehyung. I peeked from Taehyung's shoulder and it was then that I recognised his face.

He's one of Luke's friend.

"Yo, chill. Why the rus-" Taehyung started talking, trying to relax the panting boy but was quickly interrupted by the boy shouting at our face, looking highly terrified, "Luke! He's- he's You need to help him!" Upon hearing my brother's name, I quickly reached the boy and grabbed his shoulder.

"Why? Why? What happen to him?" the boy was catching his breath but despite that, his fingers were pointing somewhere towards the hallway as he said, "The seniors are ganging up against him and Aiden! You must help them!"

Without wasting any seconds, I ran at full speed towards my brother, right after the same brunette shouted "Lockers!" I'm no athletes, obviously, but the adrenaline in me somehow helped me to reach the locker hallway as fast as possible with Taehyung tailing right behind me. The crowd was what giving me the hint that Luke was there. I caught a glimpse of Luke leaning against the locker, blood and bruises covering his face but despite everything, he still forced himself to stand and glared back at the guy towering over him by few inches. Aiden was already on the floor, clutching his stomach.

RolexTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon