Chapter 1

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I'd been sitting here all bored with Taehyung constantly annoying me.

Sometime I wondered when will his friends from Pluto or Uranus come to suck him up like they did to Mr. Bean? Because I swear if that day came, my sufferance would definitely come to its end.

"Fucking yes! Tackle him you asshole!" I rolled my eyes at Taehyungs's comment and slapped his arm hard with my palms.


"Oh my god!" He mockingly closed his mouth with a shocked expression, "How come I forgot there's a kid beside me? I'm so sorry that you have to listen to that. Come here, let me clean that mind of yours which unfortunately got dirtied because of me." He took a hold of my head and ruffled it - not that hard - but hey! That's hair we're talking about! Hard or not, its hair!

I pulled my face into a pout mixed with anger and he again, grinning at me once he saw how messed my hair had became due to that big hand of him. "Fix it back you dumbass."

His grin grew wider, "Hey, language." He repeated my words and took me by surprised when he cupped my cheeks with his palms, pulling me nearer towards him that seriously made me so close to get a serious heart attack!

His hands gently combed my hair and I slightly flinched when his smiling lips then slowly curled into his signature smirk. He knitted his eyebrows for a moment and winked. "By the way, you look much more hotter with that hair. What's so wrong with that?"

I rolled my eyes again and whined, "Oh come on! This has been 1 hour and 28 minutes straight you've been flirting with me! Stop it. It's annoying!"

"Well, one point for Kim Taehyung." He gave me a lopsided grin and brought his arm around my shoulder, dragging me close to his side and I didn't know how many times do I have to tell him that his action surely gripped so much attention!

"By the way, your Rolex friend over there surely knows how to rock this game." Out of millions words he had said since he sat beside me, this was the only one that really snatched my attention. "And I'm sure he's a damn player."

"No surprise you know your species." I said in impassive manner and it didn't need much time for that Taehyung to start annoying me again.

"Don't you know player do has gorgeous face? And let's not forget they're absolutely good in bed." He pulled his smirk with an overbearing pride, and that seriously made me so close to spit right on that pretty face, "And I'm so honored to hear you calling me a player."

Why I'm friend with him again?

"Okay I'm done."

Well aware that he was still far away from stopping his game of annoying me, I decided to pay all my attention back to the game despite not liking it and let that player talked to himself.

"Hike!" I heard that Jungkook or whatsoever his name was shouted over the field and soon enough, the ball was under his control and the rest of the team distracted the rivals.

I witnessed as he bolt down the field with the fate of this game left purely in his hands. My eyes drift up to see the clock and that somehow made me to become anxious when I realised that he had under 25 seconds to reach the end zone and claim a few point for his team.

As fast as he possibly could, he pushed himself harder and harder. His cleats pounded one after the other onto the green turf as he maneuver around players of the rival team.

Well, not bad.

I threw another glance to the clock and it told me he was already down to 10 seconds. It amazed me to see how he still managed to accelerate as if his life depends on this game - Almost as if he was in a long race and the finish line was getting closer and closer with every fast step he took. He then took longer and quicker strides as the timer wind down.

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