nose bleed (Reni)

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This is for the lovely musicisforever2

Reni's proview

Me and Ian walked down the dark street towards the small club. The rain fell heavily which ordinarily would annoy me but I'm in way too much of a good mood.
"Ian come on" I shout and jogged a little I'm really existed today we are off to see this band I was really into. The singer, (yn) is really pretty too. That's not the only reason I like them but I do have a bit of a crush.
"You really are excited aren't you?" Ian said he is also a fan, not as much as me but it he likes them enough to let me drag him with me.

When we arrive the gig was great there was so much life and energy. It was everything I had hoped and more, beautiful chaos, everything smelt like beer but it smelt so much sweeter the room was dark yet everything seemsed so bright. There was even a mosh pit which I jumped straight into and lost myself. Near the end of the gig, I knocked into this big fela who pushed me into another fela elbowed me in the nose. I felt blood dripping down my face I tried to get out but I was pushed over. People were trampling over me, it was awful I was petrified I would break my leg or something worse. Ian found me and pulled me up, I was covered in blood and felt like shit.

Ian got me on my feet and helped me get away we tried to find the toilets but we got into the dressing room, there was no wall paper just a bathroom, and old setty and a pool tade. I was in such a state though I didn't care where I was I just wanted to get my face cleaned up. I turned the tap on but the blood from my nose won't stop.

"Oh shit" Ian said

"What" I asked

"I think I can hear someone coming-" and just like that the door swung open and the band, including (yn) came in with a group of muscular men. When they saw me and Ian washing the blood off me they froze, I had always wanted to meet (yn) but not like this
"Um, hi" Ian says and two of the muscular came up to us grabbed us and went to kick us out.

"Wait!" Shouted a woman's voice  I knew exactly who's voice it was and it filled my stomach with butterflys. "He's all bloody and there not hurting anyone, get him a tissue and let them stay." The two men put us down and someone got me a tissue. (Yn) came over to me, I can't believe this is happening. "Put your head down and don't let go of the tissue" she told me and put her hand in my back.

"Thankyou," I tell her "and you were really good out there." She smiled and giggled.

"Aww thanks I'm glad you enjoyed yourself" Ian was sat with us and I could tell he wasn't too sure what to say.

"I'm Alan but everyone calls me Reni and this is my friend Ian" I tell her.

"Well it's nice to meet you two and I'm sorry my goons tried to drag you away, they worry about me alot"

"Oh it's fine honestly" my nose had stopped so I put my head up and I made eye contact with her. I was star struck she was so stunning, she was everything. I wanted to talk but no words were coming out my mouth, I was completely powerless against her. I was tongue tied, bewitch, at a loss for words.

"He fancies you" Ian said after I didn't, no couldn't say anything. Wow I love Ian but God I could kill him. I felt my cheeks go red and I sent Ian the dirtiest look. He looked back at me like "I had to say something."

"Oh I'm flattered" (yn) said giggling. Then two of the bodyguards came back over.

"They look like they are fine now. Do you want us to go get them out of here?"

"No, it's ok I'm enjoying there company" The bodyguards go off to haras someone else.

"There very persistent" I say

"Ugg it's not them, it's Bill." Bill was the guitarist who was engaged to (yn). I looked over to him he was looking at us and I thought it might be best to get out from his skin.

"Oh maby we should leave-"

"No don't leave because of him. He needs to get it though his head that we are over and I'm not going back to him."

"You two broke up?" I asked shocked I had no idea.

"Yeah well I just wasn't happy and it felt like we were only together for the band. It's not out yet, Bill doesn't want anyone to know so no one knows but I feel like it's going to come out soon so I don't mind telling people."

"Oh I'm sorry" me and Ian say,

"No its ok honestly." Bill got up and started to walk over to us.

"So are they just staying here now?"

"Yes, do you have a problem with that?"

"Well you know how it makes me feel-"

"Well this isn't about you is it."

"If you want this band to carry on you should try and be a little more considerate and chose who you talk to a little better. When you're done we need to talk about your performance" And with that he walked off.

"Wow that was really horrible" I was so taken-a-back he would gilt trip her and talk to her like that.

"Yeah he gets like that a lot..."

"You don't deserve that." Ian told her

"Yeah no one should be aloud to talk to you like that." I tell her Bill was STILL waching us but this time I gave him a dirty look back.

"Hey do you want to go somewhere else? Like I think there is a chippy round here or something." (Yn) asked.

"What you really want to get food with us?"

"Yes ofcourse I do. You two seem fun."

In the end we leave Bill get a chippy and we end up staying all night together. I played her some stone roses stuff, she really liked it and gave me the number of her manager but most importantly she gave me her number too. Then at the end of the night Ian passed out on the sofa and I was showing (yn) to the door.

"Tonight was really fun." (Yn) said

"Yeah it really was, the past few hours felt like a dream." I tell her

"Yeah it really was" then as she left she kissed me gently on the lips it lasted less than a second but it was enough to stun me into silence again. When she pulled away I could still feel her on my lips, I had this tingling all through my body. I felt like I was dreaming like  I was running slowly and everything was slowing down around me. I felt incredible.

"Don't forget to call me." And with that she was gone.

So no one asked but I am talking to this guy and I can't decide if I like him or not. We talk a lot and it's nice but when ever he tries to flirt with me, and I uses the term flirt losey I cringe so hard. He won't stop calling me his baby girl and I'm just not that kind of girl but fr dose anyone find that cute or just annoying. And to top it all off I'm getting tested autism which I would be ok about but it's just another disability pushing me away from the rest of my family isolating me even more from everyone else. But if your still reading this authors note, ngl I don't read them half the time especially when there long, I just want to say thank you for reading. Writing brings me so much joy and it makes me so happy to see other people enjoy it and put up with my crap spelling.

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