not good enough (John)

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Me and John have been going out for almost a year now and I love him to pieces but somethings not right. He's been getting up really early and diapering and he won't let me see him with his shirt off. He gets changed in the dark or under the covers and if I need to use the bath room I have to wait for him to finish in the shower. He wouldn't cheat on me. He couldn't do that to me, could he? I don't want to jump to conclusions but I need to talk to him. I went into the bedroom and John was lying in bed watching the TV.

"John" I say and he looks up at me from the TV "we need to talk "

He turned the TV off and sits up and I sit on the end of the bed.

"What are we talking about?" He asked there was no suspicion behind his big blue eyes. For all he knows it could just be a innocent chat.

"Where are you going early in the morning and why do you never take your top off? Just what's going on?"

When I asked that I could see the panic in his eye now.

"I-i can't tell you." He said


"You just need to trust me"

I take a deep breath and put my head in my hands. Why can't he tell me unless he was y'know.

"Ok, who is she?" I ask angry and upset

"Who's who?" he asked

"Don't play dumb with me John. I know your cheating. Who. Is. She?" I was looking him straight in the eyes so he could see how angry I was. He looked really upset and hurt and he had stopped looking me in the eye.

"I'm not cheating" he said quietly. I carmed down a little bit to let him explain himself.

"I've been getting up early to go jogging"  he said


"Do you remember when we bumped into your ex a few week's ago?" He asked and I knoded

"Well I've always been skinny, I've never been really big or had any muscles and when we bumped into him." He took a deep breath "he was in such good shape like he had the perfect body, I've always been self conscious and it just reminded me that I wasn't good enough for you. I feel so stupid when I see you and your so beautiful and I'm just, this. The whole thing just nocked my confidence, that's why I didn't want you seeing me. I want to be sexy for you and I know I'm not."

I wasn't sure what to say.

"I can prove it" John said and he got out of bed and pulled out a scale from under it. "I know you don't like these, so I hid it. I just hate the way you can feel my rids and when you poke my belly it's all squidgy and-  I'm so sorry I never told you."

I have always felt I was never good enough I was always too fat or too skinny. My whole life magazines, TV , society has told me I always need to improve. I don't like scales because I don't like to know if I've gained weight the pressure of it all really gets to me and I hate to see that happen to John.

"Oh my god John, I'm so sorry I accused you of cheating and" I got up and put my had on his waist "you are sexy John" I got him to look me in the eye "John, your so beautiful. I love your body alright, ever single inch of you" he let me put my hand up his shirt and on his chest. "You have nothing to worry about."

I started to kiss his neck, I really wanted to show him that I really do think he's beautiful. He pulled me off and took my hands.

"Thank you" John said smiling a little "really thanks"

After that I made John get rid of the scales, counting numbers is no good. We've started jogging together and after that we shower together aswell. John still doesn't love the way he looks but everyone at some point has a love hate relationship with there body but he's not so ashamed of himself to hide anymore.

I lost a shit tone of weight and even got abs but at my smallest I felt the worst about myself. So this whole thing was just me venting so sorry if it came off a like that.

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