after the divorce

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This is for Lasheshavetobeblack

Meg's proview

"Oh my god, how many times do I have to tell you, you can't just buy all this expensive shit with MY money? I'm not a fucking bank y'know" I shout at my boyfriend, he seems to think just because I WAS married to a rich rock star he thinks I have all the money in the world. I have told him if he need money off me he can ask but now he just feels entitled to it.

"Can you please stop being so hysterical" he said rolling his eyes.

"THAT'S IT GET OUT MY HOUSE WE'RE DONE" I scream at him, pointing to the door. He leaves. I'd like to lie in bed all night eating ice cream but I have my daughter coming so I need to get myself together.

I sort out the house as best I could and wait for her to arrive with my ex husband Noel. When they arrive Anais, my daughter, just goes straight to her room and I invite Noel in for a cup of tea. We think it's important to stay friends.

"So how have you been how's Darren?" Noel asks

"Dead, hit by a truck" I joke

"Oh you broke up" he says shocked

"Like an hour before you arrived actually" I laugh a little, not because it was funny just because I felt awkward.

"Oh my god, are you ok" Noel asks taking my hand and looking right at me with those piercing blue eyes.

"I'm fine" I lie "I'll just make the tea then hopefully I will start feeling better"

"No, no. Meg. You sit down, let me do the cooking" I insist he doesn't have to but Noel won't listen. Noel is a surprisingly good cook, when we were together I used to get him to do everything food related.

"Thanks Noel" we go to the kitchen and I waching him cook.

"So" he started "who bumped who?"

"I dumped him, I was just done y'know"

"God I wouldn't be able to go through a break up with you again. It killed me when we broke up. No matter how shit you feel he's going to feel 100 times worse"


"Oh yeah, you're just so good with people, I always felt like you just understood me
I never had that kind of connection with anyone else"

"Oh stop it Noel, your making me blush"
I get over to taste a little of what he is making.

"Oi, that's for later" Noel scolds me

"I'm just testing it to see if it's poisonous" he shakes his head and I giggle.

"Noel, you're not seeing anyone are you?" I ask, normally we don't talk about ourselves this much.

"Um, no. I don't date anymore"

"Oh, why? I'm sure there are plenty of girls who would love to go out with you"

"It's just, every other relationship I was in, I ended up comparing it to ours" he said, awkwardly. I got that it's a painful thing, you want to really escape this person but at the same time you just want what you had with them back. I get why he stopped.

"Maybe I should stop, I haven't been in one, like ours." I say "I don't know though if I could be single forever"

"Well Meg" Noel started "I've been thinking, when we broke up, we were young and I've learn alot. If it's not too soon, I think we should maby try us again." Noel said looking right at me with his bright blue eyes.

I had to think for a second but I think I know what I want "You know what, yeah why not. I don't think we should tell anyone yet, let's give it a few months and see where things go"

"I guess this is our first date then" Noel said smiling.

We dated for 3 months without telling anyone and now we're together again! Noel always tells me that the divorce was the worst mistake he ever made but I honestly think it must have helped because now we are happier than we were the first time around.

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