Noel and Liam

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This is for Lasheshavetobeblack

Also thanks for the 1k reads

Noels pov

We had just finished a fantastic gig. Liam sounded fab, I always sound fab but today was better, even Tony was ok and he's horse shit most the time. I'm paying for everyones round, normally, because I'm minted, at some point I'm expected to pay for everyone's rounds which is fine but I like to wait till everyone is so pissed when I ask them what they want I don't have to remember what they want. They will be so pissed I can get everyone a pint of Guinness and they would have forgotten what they originally asked for and will drink it. I know. I'm a genius. Anyway I'm getting distracted, because I'm so proud of this lot I'm not going to wait I'm going to do it now. I take everyone's orders and go over to the bar.

"Alright mate can I have-" and that's when I saw him. God I haven't seen him in years, he looks much, much older although he still has the exact same hire cut. It was dad. I wasn't too sure how I should feel but I knew how Liam would feel. I have to get him out the pub before he sees him. I rush back to the table.

"Liam I need you to come outside-"

"where are the drinks" he asks not listening to me

"There coming but there is something outside I need to show you" I mange to make him get up and come outside but it was too late. On the way out he saw dad carrying two drinks one for him and one for a journalist.

"DAD!" I graded his arm and pulled him out the door so dad was out of sight. "Noel what are YOU DOING! DON'T YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS? I'm going back in there. I'm going to confront him."

Liam went to go back into the pub but I grabbed his arm then his wrist so he was facing me.

"Liam, look at me. Trust me. You don't want to do that." He was being very jittery, he was tapping his foot, biting the inside of his cheeks and he wouldn't look at me his would look over my shoulder then back to the door then he would look at the smashed glass on the floor then back at the door.

"WHY?" Liam asked "Give me one good reason I shouldn't go in there and stab him"

"LIAM" I snapped my fingers "if you hurt him, if you kill him he will still win. The press would hound you constantly or you will end up in prison. Please, just leave it."

"Don't you member what he did"

"yes, Liam I remember what he did but you should not be the one getting punished. Please leave it, do it for mum." He nodded but didn't stop looking at the door. "Look let's go on a quick walk to take your mind off it." We walk around the neighbourhood Liam still wasn't talking. Normally he can't stop talking so you'd think I'd appreciate some piece and quite but I could tell he still had that anger in him that made him wish he had stormed in there. I didn't want to say anything just in case it pushed him off the edge.

"Do you think he could have changed?" Liam asks after a while. I don't think he would have. If he had why hasn't he apologised or anything. No, men like him don't change. But if it makes Liam feel better...

"I mean, he might have, he might have sorted himself out. If he had changed would you forgive him?" I asked and Liam shakes his head

"I could never forgive him"

"Then it doesn't really matter if he has changed, if you won't forgive him, it's best to just let it go. You shouldn't be the one to carry all that anger and hate." I tell him.

After that we start to talk about the gig and how well it went. Liam went back to his old self and told me the band would be nothing without him. It was nice to have him back. We found our way back to the pub and the rest of the band were outside, looking for us I imagine.

"Noel! Liam!" Bonehead called "God, did you see who-"

"Yes, we saw" I interrupt

"Are you-"

"No" I interpret again, not wanting to hear anymore about the matter "we're not doing anything"

After that I went home to Meg. She had no idea what happened.

"How was the gig" she asked

"Yeah it was ok. I bumped into dad afterwards though" I tell her

"Oh shit! What happened?" She asked taking my hand.

"Nothing really, me and Liam went on a walk, that was it really."

"That was it" she said surprised "and your ok?"

I thought for a second, with Liam I didn't get a chance to process everything.

"Yeah, I think I'm good" I tell her and we sit on the sofa and wach a movie before bed like nothing had ever happened.

I actually had a bit of a verbally/ mentally abusive childhood. I still find it difficult calling it abusive, I think because I was always told, at the time, I was overeating but now when I speak to people about it they tell me It really abusive anyway I'm fine now. it's not like what happened to the Gallagher's, it never came from home but I always wondered if I ever bumped into them would I react like Liam and go mental or take the Noel approach then a few years ago I was out jogging and I saw them and I quite relieved to say I took the Noel approach and just turned around and jogged the other way and called my mate.

Sorry about that you probably didn't need to know that. Also I actually really enjoyed writing this.

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