mother day

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You sent your mum a card. That's all you ever do on this specialist of occasion. Your not really a holiday person, just live every day like its special.
So far today you can't be asked to really wake up so your lying in bed with your eyes closed. Normally, despite being in the stone roses, your morning start by feeding your friends hangovers and making sure they don't accidentally break anything, which they do. A lot.

Suddenly you hear the door open.
"Do you think she heard that"
"Shhh, Ian she would have definitely heard that"
"(Yn), (yn) wake up, we have a surprise"
You wake up to see the band at the side of your bed with a full English, a card and some flowers.
"Happy mothers day"
They shout.
"What's going on?" you ask
"You always look out for us, so this is our way of saying thanks" Mani explains.
"Aww, thanks" they were all looking at you smilling
"Try the breakfast, I almost set the kitchen on fire" Ian said proudly.
You dipped so toast into the egg and ate a bit. It didn't tast of chaos, it was nice. The egg was just how you liked it as well. The yoke was runny and orange, the toast wasn't too tossed it was nice and brown, there was beans and tomatoes on the side as well.
"Oh thanks Ian it's perfect" you let over and kissed him on the cheek.
"And we got you a card, John made it" Mani said you opened it and it was beautiful all the colour were so carming and inside it read
Dear (yn)
Thanks for always being there for us, taking care of us, making us laugh and being a shoulder to cry on. Although you are not our mum we will always look to you for guidance
Lots of love
Ian, John, Mani and Reni

"Oh my god" you said and sat up to give them all a hug "thank you all so much"
"We have more surprises" Reni said
"You really didn't have to do this" you said
"But we did" said Ian "Come on" Ian grabbed your hand and pulled you out of bed. You were only in your pyjamas
"Ian I'm not dressed"
"Just come on you don't need clothes"
The band ascot you into the living  room and tell you to close your eyes.
"Ok you can open them now" John said and when you opened them
Reni handed you an envelope which you opened.
"Oh my god, you didn't, how did afford this" when you opened the envelope it had tickets to Barbados. Your grandparents were from over there, they had died before your time but it was still a big part of your life and you had always wanted to go there but you never had the money.
"We know you had always wanted to go so we saved up and had a wip round"
You thought you were going to cry now
"Oh my babys" you say half crying and embracing them into a hug.

Wow this made me hungry more than anything. I had fun writing in this but I had no idea how to end it. I hope this was ok.

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