the shining

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You and the band, stone roses, have been touring, partying, getting pissed for about a month. What you all really needed now was an early night, just to get your heads together. But that's not rock n roll so fuck sleep. Seriously though you were really fucking sleepy so you and the rest of the band splashed out on a fancy hotel. Before you went to bed however you thought it would be fun to watch a horror movie. You got the shining in a second hand shop and every room had a TV in it so we all decided to go to Reni's  room to wach it.

The movie was scarier than you care to admit. Being the only girl in the band you felt a kind of pressure to not come across to the press as weaker or that you are in some way dependent on the rest of the band. Despite this you sat next to Ian the whole time and held his hand. By the time the movie was over you were holding each other and you were almost on his lap.
"(Yn) Ian whispered "are you ok, you look kinda scared"
"What? Scared? No fucking way, it was only a fucking movie. Your not scared are you?" You asked him. He was. You could tell when he was scared. But like you there was no way in hell he would say it.
"Of course I'm not, there's no way that could happen in real life... Right?"
"Right" you said
The rest of the band had a room on the same floor but you and Ian were on the top. You left Reni's room and you and Ian got in the lift.
"Your sure your ok?" Ian asked. again.
"Yes I'm ok I promise" you said.
Suddenly the lift made a strange noise and stopped and the light started flashing.
"Ian what have you done"
"Nothing, I swear to god, this is not me"
"I swear to go Ian if this is you I will brack your fucking kneecaps"
"(Yn) I promise you, this is not me" he was telling the truth. He looked as white as a sheet.
All of the sudden the lift started working again which made me and Ian jump and hold each other's hands until we realized what was going on and let go.

When I arrived at my room I got put an oversized t-shirt on to sleep in switched the lights off and got into bed

Someone was at the door.

they weren't going away.

There isn't much you can use for protection in a hotel so you grabbed the kettle. It was that or the little chocolate the leave on the pillow. You slowly  make your way to the door and lifted the kettle up. when you opened it up you saw Ian on the other side.
"Christ alive (yn) what are you doing with that kettle?" Ian asked, he was only in his boxer.
"It was self defense, what are you doing bagging the door down?" Ian scratched the back of his neck
"there is no way I'm staying in that room on my own."
You let him in and the two of you got into bed together as you went to turn the light off Ian Stopped you.
"No leave it on, let's stay up, just the two of us."
So long for that good nights sleep.

This one did give me the idea to do a full story but I think i will do some more oneshots first but i will definitely continue this at some point as i had alot more ideas for this

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