After the divorce part 2

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This is for the lovely Lasheshavetobeblack

It was Alan McGee's Birthday so me and Meg are going as a couple. We're both nervous everyone is going to be there. It's not going to be a crazy party it's more for families which makes it worse somehow.

"Are you ready" Meg asked as I finished tying my layses.


We get up and go, I know Meg can sense I'm nervous so she puts her hand in mine.

"Do you think we should wait a little longer,  to tell people" I ask, I know we had agreed today but I'm just too nervous

"but Noel we agreed today"

"I know but, y'know" I say looking at her, not giving her a real reason but hoping she'd get it.

"Ok. Fine. I'll wait" she says with a huff.

"No honey, I'm sorry-"

"No Noel, it's ok I get it"

When we arrive the party was in the garden there was a karaoke machine on a little stage, a bbq, drinks and other families running around.

"Ah Noel! Meg! Grate to see ya" Alan Magee came over to great us "Oh Noel I have to thank you, if it wasn't for you I'd never be able to pay for all this"

Meg was still upset with me, she won't even look me in the eye. It's not my fault It's my stupid nerves. Everyone is here, mam, me daughter, Liam, his family. I don't want to deal with all there concerns about the relationship ughhh this was a mistake. I should have just said something, for Meg.

"You alright rkid" I heard Liam's voice behind me.

"Liam follow me" I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the house.

"Me and Meg are back together," Liam's eyes widened in surprise "we were going to tell people today but I chickened out"

"Your not having second thoughts are you?" Liam asked

"God no. It's just I don't want to have to deal with everyone. She's really pissed though."

"I think you should just tell people and get it over with" Liam told me but I don't see that happening.

"Liam I need you to promise not to tell anyone about this" I say but Liam just looked at me blankly.


"Noel you know I can't keep a secret."

"Liam. I really need you to try" i ask him almost pleading.

"I'll try but I don't know how long I'll last, a few more hours maby, I can't promise anything though."

Shit. Why oh why did I think to tell Liam. If people find out through Liam Meg will be more upset, it will feel more like gossip not a proper anuncment.

I started drinking too much for a family event and sat on a table on my own. I had Meg upset and Liam was like a tiking time bomb and I couldn't take the pressure.

"Noel!" Meg said upset "did you tell Liam. I thought we were going to do this together"

"What has he said" I asked her

"I don't think he has told anyone but he asked me if you still sleep with your mouth open"

That's such a him thing to say.

"Meg I'm sorry it's just you were angry-"

"Save it Noel, I'm going to enjoy myself we can talk later"

I need to make this up to her some how. I did promise to tell everyone today so this is pretty unfair on her. I'm going to hate myself so much for this later but I think I have an idea. Meg is ever going to marry me or leave me after this.

I walked over to the karaoke machine got on the stage and picked up the mic.

"Everyone listen I've got something to say"

Everyone was starting now.

"Noel please come down-" Meg shoted

"No one listen to Meg. This is a family event and she's got a wicked tung" I say into the mic

Meg roled her eyes but stopped talking.

"As I was fucking saying" when I said that Meg covered her face with her hands.

"Once, many years ago I was in love with a girl. Then I thought I wasn't so we split up but now it turns out we are in love and more in love then we were at first. Um anyway I'm back together with the lovely Meg!" I wasn't getting the reaction I wanted, everyone looked mortified except Liam who was laughing.

"Wait! for real?" My daughter shouted

"Yes for real" I shouted back "I would like to dedicate this next song to the lovely Meg. The stunning girl over by the booze looking stressed"

I drunkenly managed to sing wonderwall to what must have been the most stonie-faced audience ever. Eventually I got off the stage and made my way to Meg.

"So, do you forgive me now" she smiled softly

"We should talk when we get home. But" she put her hand in mine "yes, I forgive you" The family were a bit annoyed at me that this is how they found out and they have some concerns about me getting with my ex but other than that, it's good.

I have been so busy so this took forever to write but I honestly had so much fun doing it. This has been one of my favourite one-shot in a while

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