I hate other people

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For fuck sake you thought to yourself. You had just received an invitation from your old "friend" that she was getting married and she is having an "afternoon tea" to celebrate. You hated these people but what you hated most was that they expected you to bring a date. It's not that you didn't want to settle down it's just you were still young and wanted to make the most of it.
"What's wrong?" Your friend Mani asked.
"I've just been invited to this dinner party thing for the girl I went to school with engagement. She's a snobby bich but I have to go because she is close to my family. She wants me to bring a date too and I have no idea where to find someone at such short notice."
"I'll go with you" Mani said
"What really, that would be so kind of you."
"No not a problem, it could be fun"
You and Mani were not going out, sadly. You had liked him since you had joined the stone roses. You were always a little self conscious about your playing but he was always so supportive. I mean all the band was but you and Mani had a special connection.

You took Mani back to your shitty home town, full of shitty people and shitty shops.
"I never realised that you weren't from Manchester, your hometown is nice" Mani said
"No it's not" you answer. You had only been back for a minute and the whole place was bringing out the worst in you.

You arrive home first to see how your family were doing. They were doing perfectly fine without you as it turns out, in fact you got the impression you were getting in the way of their happy life.
"Hi mum I'm home and I brought my friend with" you shout.
"Oh, sweetie, your back it's so nice to see you" Your mum lied. You had never gotten on that well. "And you brought your boyfriend" blood started rushing to your cheeks.
"Mum he's not my boy-"
"What's your name son?" Your mother interrupted
"Um... Mani, I mean Gary Miss"
"Ha ha do you not known your own name love" your mum smiled placing her hand on his arm. God she has just met my "boyfriend" and is already flirting with him.
"What was that you were saying sweetie?" Your mum asked you
"As I was saying, Mani isn't really my boyfriend"
"Oh so he's all mine then is he"
you rolled your eyes and gave Mani a sorry look although he looked like he might be enjoying the attention.
Your mum called down your dad who you didn't evan know that well. He was away for alot of your childhood. Him and your mum were very off and on.
"Your mother says you have another boyfriend"
Your father said.
"Nice to see you too dad, and Mani is not my boyfriend"
"What do you do son?"
Your dad asked
"Um I'm the bass player in a band"
"Only the bass player, god, I'm relying on you to look after my little girl and your just sitting around playing some guitar. She needs a REAL man to take care of her"
You felt yourself go red with anger, how dare he talk to your friends like that and tell you that what you need.
"What is that supposed to mean dad, I looked after myself and mum with out you for years. If you thought I needed a man where were you when I was growing up, Mani has always been there for me, he'smore of a man than you could ever be." And with that you grabbed Mani's hand and left the house.
"Sorry about them, there pricks" you said to Mani
"It's ok" Mani said "it's not your fault, they just want the best for you"
You smiled at Mani. He could be so sweet.

The two you decided it was best if you two stayed in a hotel instead of with your family. The next day you and Mani got ready for the party. God you hated people, you were so worried about today.
"I'm so worried about today, what if they are horrid to you like my dad
There really judgy people and I know if they say something I will snap and show myself up."
Mani looked into your eyes and grabbed your hand.
"Don't worry, I won't let that happen"

When you arrive at the party. Your "friend" Sophie ushered you in to her house. All your old friends from school were sat around the table so you and Mani joined them
"Um this is my boyfriend-"
"Dr. Gary Mounfield"
"Doctor?" Your friend replied, clearly impressed.
"Well not a proper doctor, I'm a brain surgeon. So not your average gp." Mani said dismissively.
"Wow" everyone said
"Where did you too meet"
"I think we met travelling Africa was it? It's hard to say we go travaling all the time it's hard to say where we met , Africa, Asia, the rain forests. I try to live in the moment and not think about out the past."

The rest of the evening when on like this, Mani boasting about all the impossible shit you had done together. Although you were nervous everyone would find out you and Mani were talking shite it was also funny. You were still glad to leave though.
When you and Mani were walking back to the car he said
"You know what Dr. Mounfields biggest achievements were, not saving those children or fighting that rhino. It was getting a girl friend as smart and as pretty as you." You blushed at his attempt at flirting.
"Thanks Doc,"
"Seriously though (yn) would you ever want to do this again, like go on a date? Like a real one this time."
You grabbed Manis had and lent up to kiss him on the cheek.
"I would love to Doctor."

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