Liam's biggest gig

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"Do you think she will like us? Or just think I'm some pretentious musician"
I asked me brother Noel
"I'm sure she will think your dead sexy and will instantly fall in love with you." He said
"Really?" I asked
"No" Noel said rolling his eyes "Liam, don't worry about it your so nervous"
This wasn't Oasis first gig it was just our biggest so far. My best friend (yn) was coming who I was a little bit in love with. I was going to tell her today but I was so nervous about it. I had know her for ever so if this goes badly I risk losing my best and closest friend.
"Do you think she would like me more if I danced"
"What?" Noel asked and pushed his sun glasses down to meet my eye.
"Like on stage, if I danced, she might like it"
Noel looked at me and said
"Liam if you start dancing there's a strong chance she might think your having a stroke, please what ever you do don't dance" He said.
"Look Liam" he said and put his hand on my shoulder "just be your self, she likes you I know she does"
This gave me a bit more confidants.


We were almost ready to go on I was back stage peeping out at the audience to look for (yn).
"Surprise!" I felt someone come up behind me making me jump.
It was (yn).
She gave me a hug and I hugged her back, the she looked up at me "Liam, you alright, you look dead nervous"
"Umm yeah, it's just a big gig Y'know Ill be fine"
She gave me her cute little smile.
"Well good luck then" she tells me then she sees Noel and goes over to see him.
"Noel it's so good to see you" she went up hugged him.
"(Yn), how are you? Has Liam confessed his undying love yet?"
He asked her
"What?" She asked confused
"Ha ha HA HA HA" I laughed nervously "Noel your SO funny HA HA HA" I laughed trying to play it off as a joke.
"I'm going to go join the crowd" (yn) said but before she left she got on her tip toes and kissed me on the cheek. That was almost enough to make me forget what Noel said, almost.
"Noel I can't believe you! You fucking dick!" I tell him but he just laughs at me.
"Carm down Liam she still kissed you didn't she? Focus on that"
He tells me and I do for a bit, I go to my little world in my head where it is just the two of us. Then I go back to thinking about the gig.

When I got on stage there was about 200 there but I could only see (yn). She looked so excited and we hadn't even started yet.
When I started singing I was in me element. All my nerves have left me and I could focus.
I think (yn) really enjoyed the gig. It felt like it was just the two of us. I a little part of me knew as soon as I got off stage I would go back to being a nervous wreck so while I was in my element I decided to tell (yn) how I felt.
"This is our last song and I would like to dedicate it to my best friend (yn), (yn) I love you and not just as a friend. I want you to be right by my side as the band get bigger, when I fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning. When I sing I sing to you. You are what inspires me and I want you to be with me all the way."
She didn't say nothing but she was smiling and a little red. I looked to Noel and he winked at me. I think he was saying I did well or he was just happy I wasn't dancing. We sang the last song and it went down a treat.

After the gig I was sat back stage having a smoke.
"That was incredible"

"It really was" it was (yn) "I think we should have a talk about what you said up there"

I felt my heart start to pound.

"I like you too and I want to be by your side and see the band grow, as more than a friend" she took my hand "Are you free tomorrow" she asked knowing I was.


"7 o'clock"


"Then it's a date"

oasis/stone oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon