John and Ian

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So this one is going to be a bit different

John's proview

Tonight was a long night. I went on this date which was awful. Im quite shy which according to her is an "unattractive." I mean the date was never going to go well anyway, I don't really like women, like that, you know. I haven't told anyone, I would tell my room mate Ian, I think he would be ok but if I confess that to him I might get carried away and tell him some other things which I think would make shit awkward for us. Like he has fantastic hair and beautiful eyes and he's so funny and sweet. This wasn't the only reason tonight was bad I got mugged and the fella punched me and now my nose is bleeding.

Anyway I'm home now I was going to go straight to bed but when I got in Ian was still up watching TV
"Hi John, I was waiting for you, how was the date and OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE" Ian asked me looking up
"Ugh I got mugged and no the date did not go well"
I go into the toilet and start to wash the blood off my face.
"You missed a bit" Ian said
It was hard to see because Ian smashed the mirror playing indoor tennis. It's not the most practical game but at the time it was fun.
"Where is it?" I ask and Ian picks takes the flannel I was using and wipes some blood off my face making me go red. Then Ian looks at my lips for a bit
"Do I have blood there too?" I ask
"Um no" he said "John, I need to tell you something, you might want to sit down"
I sit on the toilet and Ian sits on side of the bath.
"John I like you alot, I don't just mean in like  a friend way I um I think" he sighs "I think I'm, im gay" he says looking at the ground "I know your straight and I don't want things to be awkward or, or for you to hate me I just had to tell someone and um yeah"  he stutters a little "I think I'm just g-going to um go to bed" he gets up to go walk out the room
"No Ian let's talk about this" I reach out to grab his hand and pull him back down
He looks really nervous not at all like his usual self
"Am I the first person you've told?" And he nods
"Well I think, or no I know I'm, im gay too. And I, i like you too"
Ian looks right at me and smiles a bit
He asks and I nod
Then Ian comes and wraps his arms around me tightly taking me by surprise a little.
When he pulls away he takes his hand in mine and smiles at me.
"Thanks" Ian said "for being there for me"

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