capsule hotels (John)

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I have always, always wanted to stay in a Japanese capsule hotel. They have always seemed so snug, just having your tiny little bed space but so futuristic at the same time. They make me think of the dens I made as a kid, I would spend hours in those when I was young and this is like a hotel full of them. I just find it appealing. I have been touring and working with the Roses since the beginning, so this tour I demanded that we stay in one as a treat for me. John wasn't too sure he said he was claustrophobic but said he would try for me. I assumed the introverted would like his own little quiet space but no. Anyway that's why I'm laying down in my cosy little room trying to drift off. The whole hotel has a woman's side and men's side which is nice because as much as I love the Roses I need a break, and the little capsule doors are made of paper. It's so nice. I lay and listened to the people outside the room, no shoes are aloud so all you could hear were this quiet danti footsteps. Except, what's this? Someone has entered the room but there footsteps are much heavier than the others, and it getting close to my capsule. I can here them come up my ladder and see a figure through the paper.

"(Yn) you awake?" It was John.

I open the door to see him. He was waring an old Man United shirt and some gray jogging bottoms.

"John what are you doing? You know you are not a loud in these parts"

"Can I stay with you? I don't like it here and I got you a hot chocolate"

"Fine, get in." John climbed into the capsule with me and handed me my drink "you better not moan the whole time"

"Thanks" John stayed near the door and sat crossed legged he was too tall to fit so he had to bend over while I stayed under the covers.

"It's ok I can't believe you don't like it here"

"It's horrible here, we are all lined up like a morgue we can't see anyone,  it's way to dark in these things and we have to be quiet all the time-"

"You are quiet all the time"

"By choice. I don't like to be told to be quiet"

"You know you are supposed to be quiet in a normal hotel too right"

"Whatever" he muddled

"What are you going to do tomorrow morning when everyone is awake and your not supposed to be here?"

"You can just sneak me out right?"

"I'll sneak you out don't worry" I giggle

We finished our drinks and outside the the capsule is little bin so I hope put and throw them away. When I come back John was lying down but not asleep.

"Do you sleep in men's boxers?" John asked. Yes, I do one night the washing got mixed up and I was really tired and I put a pair on instead of my own pajama bottoms and all I know after that I had the best night sleep so I brought a pack of them and now I ware them every night.

"Yeah, I ware them every night"

"I never knew"

I lay down next to him and due one person nature of the capsule we were pushed together. I went to switch off the light.

"Wait what are you doing" John asked

"Turning the light off? Y'know to go to sleep"

"Please don't turn it off, I'll get even more creeped out I'd you turn the lights off"

I took his hand under the covers "You'll have me here though" he still looked scared "Ok John close your eye" and he what I said and I turned the light off "now just keep them closed and you'll never know if it's on or off" I could tell John still was on edge I let go of his hand and turned my back to him. Then I grabbed his arm and pulled it around me so he was spooning me and he held on tight. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"Why did you come to my capsule and non of the other Roses. That should have been easier than sneaking in here."

"Your the only one small enough to squeeze in with"


"But mainly because if I was to get trapped in one of these, I would want to be trapped with you."

"Aww, I'm flattered but why?"

"I don't know, I just always feel better around you. Also you're easily the smartest one and if we were trapped I know you could get us out."

"Wow that might have been the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me"

"Really?" he asked shocked.


"Thanks" John said

"It's no problem really, it's just one night"

"Not just for tonight. For everything I don't think we would be where we are without you. I'd probably be a druggie with no friends, family and no where to live. Like imagine what would have happened if I didn't move in with you."

"Imagine what would have happened to me if I hadn't become your manager, I would have had to give up on my dreams, get a normal boring job. I knew I had a special feeling about you boys when I first met you, I always knew you would go far."

"I always thought out of all of us you would be the first to settle down and get married."

I looked round at John he still had his eyes closed.


"I don't know, your pretty, funny, great fun, if I ever get married I would want to marry someone like you."

I don't get why John is being do sweet. "I'll tell you what John, let's do the thing if we are not married or in a relationship when we get old let's get married"

"How old?" John asked

"How about 80-"

"30" John said at the same time.

"You know that that's only in 4 years right?" I laughed

"Oh is it, I hadn't noticed" John said "I can't wait till your 80 you'll definitely be married by then"

"John why are you acting like this" I ask

"No reason, I'm just saying what's true"

"Thanks Johnny"

After that we both fell asleep, turns out John got a better night sleep than me I didn't like that I couldn't spread out or nothing. John didn't let go of me the whole night. I still don't get why he was being so nice last night, I think he had been drinking. In the morning we waited till no one was out and I snuck him out. Then the next time we spoke was at breakfast. I went to go sit with the rest of the Roses.

"Wait" John grabbed my arm "Can we talk for a minute"

"No problem" We go off and no one was saying anything.

"So thank you for last night and I'm sorry I was acting so strange, I was a bit tipsy. But all I said last night was true, I went on this date a few days ago and it got me thinking I've always been happiest when I'm with you, I loved it when we lived together and your stunning, kind, funny and I think." He took a deep breath "I love you and I completely understand if you don't feel the same but I needed to tell you especially after last night."

"Oh Johnny"

"It's ok I knew you wouldn't feel the same-"

"No John, let me finish. I have always liked you but things were complicated in the past with the cort cases and the drugs. Now though, I would like a life with you in it"

"Really?" he asked and I put my hand on his cheek.

"Yeah I'd love to give this a go."

This was longer than you expected but I hope you all like it.

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