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There were lights everywhere and I had one person too many doing my makeup. Me and my husband Noel were getting ready for an interview. The man doing the interview came in and sat down infront of us, it was clear he was old but how old was not so clear how old. He was orange, he didn't have a healthy tan but fake tan lyered on so thickly his skin resemdaled a satsumar rather than a humans. He's teeth were so white he looked like he came right out of an advert, if he gave me a chance I could probly use his two big ones as a mirror.

"Ok ,3,2,1 action" someone shoted and the presenter began to introduces us.

"I'm joined today with one of the biggest rock stars of our generation and his long suffering wife." A laugh track plays and I smile politely.

"So Noel when is the new album coming out?"

"Saturday the 13th I think"

They talk about the album for a bit and I drift of as I often do in these interviews, and they are all kind of repeative. "And so Meg it must be hard for you when Noel leaves to go on tour."

"Oh yes ofcourse it is, I try and keep myself busy with work but nothing quite replaces the real thing."

"It's nice to have a hobby" the presenter said.

"Job" I corrected him but he just brushed it off.

"Yeah whatever you would like to call it."

The interview continued and we got to the topic of valentines day.

"Well I don't know what we are going to do this year. Last year was incredible though, I brought Meg a new pair of heels she told me she wanted when we first met but couldn't afford and she booked this fancy restaurant as a surprise for us. It was an incredible place it had this massive fish tank full of creatures I had never seen and everyone had a person waiter."

"Aww that was nice, must have cost a fortune though."

"That's the best thing, I got Meg the heels this was her treat for me. She paid I have no idea how much it was!" Noel laughed and I put my hand on his knee.

"Well, you say she paid, with the money you gave her right?"

"No!" I butted in "I used the money from MY job! I have a job a real job. I run my own fucking business. I make money." I was so annoyed. I told him I had a job and no one ever takes me seriously.

"What, so your telling me your married to one of the richest rock stars and you still work?"

"YES!" I shout why don't people get that.

"My wife is very, very hard working" Noel started "if I had my wife's work ethics I would get 50 definitely maybe's a year. If you don't take my wife's work seriously we won't take yours seriously." I knew exactly where Noel was going with this, we both got up and walked.

"Oh my god! That was so funny" I laughed

"I haven't done something like that for ages" Noel laughed scratching the back of his head.

"Thankyou," I tell him "thanks for standing up for me."

"No problem, I'm sorry your hard work isn't appreciated enough" Noel said and took my hand and we walked off.

Cba to spell check this, if you can't read it just leave a comment and I'll fix it, I'm v dyslexic so there will be mistakes. I did a 10 hour shift today and I just can't be asked anymore.

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