Sorry (the Gallagher)

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Noel's pov

"God Liam why did you do it?"
Liam got into a fight with some other kid today and got and Liam got a black eye and a bust lip. If mum finds out Liam was in another fight she's going to go up the wall and across the ceiling. Me and Paul are in the bathroom trying to clean him up so mum won't find out.

"You should see what I did to the other guy-" Liam started

"Liam we don't care, just stay still" Paul said shuting Liam up. I ran off to mums room and got out her makeup.

"Liam don't move, I'm going to use this to cover your back eye" I pulled out some concealer and began to rub it around his eyes with my finger.

"That hurts" Liam wined

"Then don't get into fights then. Little idiot"  I say rolling my eyes. When I was finished me and Paul stepped back to inspect my work, the makeup didn't quite mach the rest of his skin and his eye was slightly closed.

"Wait" Paul disappeared and came back with a pare of sunglasses.

"Put these on, don't let mum see you without them"

We all go downstairs and grab our food to eat in our rooms.

"Wait" mum said "I thought it would be nice if we ate together" we all sat down at the table so as not to upset mum.

"Liam what are you doing waring those ridiculous sun glasses"

I looked at Paul my face was carm but I was panicking on the inside.

"It's just my new thing, I always ware sunglasses now"

"Not at the table you don't. Take them off."

Liam took them off nervously to reveal the messy make up.

"Liam look at me" mum said and Liam looked at me for support


He turned to mum and she instantly understood what happened.

"Oh Laim why did you do it?" Mum asked

"He was asking for it, you should have seen what I done to him-"

"Liam I don't want to know, look why don't you all eat I'm your rooms. I want to be a lone right now."

We go up to our rooms and I sit on my bed and eat.

"Nice one Liam, you upset mum" I say and roll my eyes. He looks at the door then back at his food he didn't eat just pocket it with his fork. "Look Liam, if your feeling guilty go apologise."

Liam's pov

I went to apologise to mum. When I get into these fights I never think about what comes next. I knock on the door.

"Mam, it's Liam" she didn't say anything so I went in and sat infront of her.

"I'm sorry" I tell her "it won't happen again"

She took a beep breath "it's ok Liam, I understand. So what did you do to them in the end?" She asked and I smiled.

"Nothing really, i just wanted attention" I say and mum laughs

"Oh Liam what are we going to do with you."

I have not checked the spelling so this might be a dyslexic mess but I'll check it tomorrow.

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