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- A Week or so later-

All the guys in the band sat with their feet hanging down from the billboard off Sunset and Doheny Boulevard. Near the west end of the Sunset Strip. I was standing down below with Izzy's new girlfriend Hannah, as they emptied their bottles of booze and spray paint cans to spell A.X.L. on this fuckin' billboard. "YOU GUYS ARE GONNA GET ARRESTED!" Hannah kept screaming at them. I knew Bill didn't care about that, he'd been arrested before and Izzy just didn't give a fuck. "Bring me up my camera, Kat." Bill yelled down, holding his arms out, I could have sworn he was going to fall. "Here hold on."  "Be careful." Hannah laughed, she knew she was getting ready to watch me bust my ass trying to climb up the ladder in heels. I took it slow and gripped each bar for dear life, taking extra time to place my feet. Bill poked his head through the hole, I had to climb through. "Hurry, I want to take a picture." I looked up at him, If looks could kill. "I'm hurrying damn it!" He made a face at me and retreated. The ladder was quite a climb, I mean- imagine climbing up a billboard. I put my hands up on the platform. And crawled through finally, camera in hand. "Here." I handed it over to Bill. "Thanks, Kat." He stood back and started taking pictures of the personally designed sign. "Wow, you can see everything from here."  "Yeah you can, I can see all the way to the other end of the strip." Chris Weber commented. Bill was clicking away on the camera, no way there was too many pictures left. "Okay, I got some." Izzy nodded. "Can we go now, I've got somewhere to be." Bill laughed "Of course you do." Izzy started pushing him. "I do really."  "Stop pushing me, Dick." Bill started pushing Iz back. "Guys stop I don't want anybody to fall." I grabbed Izzy's leg trying to make them stop. "Okay, I'm out." Chris got in the hole and started climbing down the ladder. "Bye, Chris." Steve Darrow laughed, watching him make his way down. The guys eventually stopped cat fighting and decided they should probably get back on the ground too. "This is our fuckin' billboard now, right!" Bill laughed, sitting beside me. "Look's like it." Steve agreed and grabbed the ladder, taking his turn to climb down. "You guys coming?" He looked up and questioned. "Yeah, we're working on it." Izzy grabbed the ladder next. Bill put his cowboy boot over Izzy's hand like he was gonna try to push him off. "You trying to kill me?" Izzy asked, grabbing the metal bar even tighter. Bill had a grin on his face to beat all else. "Maybe." Izzy rolled his eyes. "Fuck you too."

"Ladies first." Bill gestured to the ladder. I didn't know if I would be successful climbing down from here with these shoes on, seemed even worse going down than coming up. "I'm going to take this shoes off first, I felt like I was going to break my neck before." "Here I'll carry them for you." He grabbed the shoes off my feet and put the heels in one hand.  "Are you sure?" He nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. I don't want you to get hurt,  I don't even want to take the chance." I smiled at the red head. "You're too sweet, Bill." He shook his head quite vigorously. "I'm really not." I had the urge to kiss him, I usually didn't act on impulses. But I leaned forward to him and planted one right on his lips. They tasted a bit like salt and cherries. He smelled like roses and strawberry shampoo. It was pretty much heaven. He dropped the heels from his hand, they landed beside him, he brought his palm to my face, touching it lightly with his finger tips, like he'd break me if he touched too hard. We broke apart hearing the rest of the group yelling about how we were 'slow asses' and were wasting time. "Um, you wanna go." Bill waved his hand down towards the ladder, not missing a beat. I nodded, feeling rather strange about kissing him. He didn't necessarily reciprocate, which made me feel like I had done the way wrong thing by kissing him. I started my way down, before I could make it past the top Bill lightly kissed the tips of my fingers. I looked up in to his soft greenery eyes. "You're a real special woman, Kat." I smiled wide at the red head, believing his comment to be somewhat incorrect, but he said it was so and  that means something me. He motioned for me to continue my trip down and I did just that. Meeting the rest of the group at the bottom.

She Wouldn't Say Goodbye. (Guns N' Roses)Where stories live. Discover now